Motivation to Study on Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

My motivation for seeking admission in the graduate program of University of South Florida originates from my desire to become a prominent researcher in computational fluid dynamics and contribute to a sustainable development of my poor country, Bangladesh with innovative technologies stemmed from my research works. The university's pioneering work in this field of computational fluid dynamics have encouraged me greatly to apply here.

A natural aptitude for mathematics, analytical ability, and capacity for diligent work secured me a place at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), the most reputed and highest-ranked university in my country.

During my undergraduate study at the Department of Naval Architecture & Marine engineering under the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, I went through a well-structured curriculum along with rigorous training in C++, Abaqus, and FORTRAN. These four years of the program have given me a strong foundation of Finite element Analysis as well as Computational fluid dynamics brought about noteworthy maturity in my decision-making ability.

My Undergraduate research focuses on the development of a numerical flow and wave model for predicting wave energy around St.

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Martin island (20В° 37Нґ 57.04 north latitude and 92° 19 11.80 east longitude), is a small island in the northeastern part of the Bay of Bengal, about 9 km south of the tip of the Cox's Bazar-Teknaaf peninsula, and forming the southernmost part of Bangladesh. Under the supervision of Professor Dr. M Rafiqul Islam, I successfully developed a model using Delft3D software that can be used for estimating wave energy per meter wave front and locate possible hotspots for feasible extraction of wave energy.

Delft3D is an integrated modeling suite, which simulates two-dimensional (in either the horizontal or a vertical plane) and three-dimensional flow, sediment transport and morphology, waves, water quality and ecology and is capable of handling the interactions between these processes.

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In addition, the output of the model has been compared with the satellite data. So, it is possible to assess monthly variation of wave power accurately and thus fulfilling the power requirement of the island communities and attracting more tourists to visit this only coral island in future. Based on this work, I published a conference proceeding article at MARTEC 2018 (11th International Conference on Marine Technology 2018), within six months of my thesis proposal.

Currently, I am working on developing wave model for other hotspots around the coastal region of Bangladesh and also developing my knowledge on ArcGIS, MATLAB, Python and Delft3D, which are the required tools for my further research. I am also studying on developing a feasible Wave Energy Converter device. With no previous theoretical studies, I perused literature like, H.P.Nguyen, C.M.Wang, V.H.Luong 'Two-mode WEC-type attachment for wave energy extraction and reduction of hydro elastic response of pontoon-type VLFS' and S.Michele, E.Renzi, C.Perez-Collazo, D.Greaves, G.Iglesias 'Power extraction in regular and random waves from an OWC in hybrid wind-wave energy systems'. I hope to merge these ideas into developing an composite energy extraction device capable of extracting energy from both short and long wave, and also from the wind energy.

Besides academic works, I am also involved in team efforts and leadership activities. I had an affiliation with different organizations, including- BUET Debating Club and House of Volunteers, BUET. As an active member of the Naval Architecture and Marine Engineers Association (NAMESA), I arranged seminars on featuring the prospects of Naval Architecture and it's variety of applications. I was directly involved with arranging various programs like NAME Day celebration in 2014, NAME Day celebration in 2018, annual picnic, Cricket, and Football tournament, etc. I was also a contributor to the annual NAME Magazine.

In view of such experiences, I feel that I will be able to fit into leadership roles in research and also in my career. Given my deep research interest in mechanical engineering, the next step for me is to pursue the highest academic accolade, i.e., Ph.D. from a reputed rigorous program that can shape me into a complete independent researcher. I believe that the research opportunities and resources present at the University of South Florida will allow me to fulfill this dream by providing the facilities to learn from world-class professors and work with qualified fellow colleagues.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Motivation to Study on Faculty of Mechanical Engineering essay
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