Aspiring for Success: My Journey to Become a Mechanical Engineer

Categories: Goals In Life

Different people have different aims in life. Some focus on power, some on wealth, some want to become a rich successful businessman, some choose knowledge & education while some choose fame.

Many scholars think for hours & hours that what their aim in life is terms of the best profession which suit their lifestyle. Across the wings of time few of them discovers their aim. But there are many others who are ambitious in their very childhood and find their professional goals.

These people pick up their professional aim due to their interest gathered from books, passion, and parent’s/ teacher’s guidance and meeting such kind of people. I am one of those people.

My aim in life is to become successful Mechanical Engineer. After my higher schooling I want to go to Mumbai or Delhi IIT (India Institute of Technology) to pursue my Engineering in the field of Mechanics. I want to serve this world with my talent because I believe that I have what it takes.

My Father and Elder sister both are Engineers.

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My Father is an Electric Engineer and my sister is a Civil Engineer. They are my biggest source of inspiration. Being an Engineer is my personal choice. I believe that Engineering is a very noble profession that one can choose. I want to opt the field of Mechanical because I find it quite interesting than other fields.

Becoming an Engineer is not compelled by my parents; I have chosen this field because this is what I want to be in my life.

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These days the salaries of Mechanical Engineers are quiet high and they acquire respectable positions no matter whether they are in India or any other part of the world.

Aimless life is a sin these days. Aimless people are like tired travelers without any specific destination. Whatever they do in their life is by chance or circumstances or luck that comes their way. In many cases these people do not achieve anything big in life. They just survive because they have too and they are forced to.

That is why I believe that each one of us should have definite a purpose in life. To achieve success determining your targets is the first step. They should identify their qualities, talents & ability to work hard. Those who fail are not actual failures because failure is a part of success but those who fail to decide their aim are real failures in life.

Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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Aspiring for Success: My Journey to Become a Mechanical Engineer. (2016, May 09). Retrieved from

Aspiring for Success: My Journey to Become a Mechanical Engineer essay
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