A Career In Dentistry Personal Statement

My journey in starting a career in dentistry began when I read an article about new advancements in dental technology. The article aimed to combat fungal infections by printing 3D dentures containing an antifungal drug called Amphotericin B. It is important to me since my father regularly suffers from fungal infections due to Type 2 diabetes.

To further my understanding and learn more about this career, I am carrying out an EPQ titled "Children's Oral Health: Is it decaying their educational experience?" as I enjoy carrying out independent research.

During my investigation, it was interesting to discover that the range of oral problems requiring GA could have been prevented with better hygiene techniques. As a result, I participated in a campaign for dental education in my community where I am raising awareness about oral hygiene to younger children. I attended a summer school with the London School of Dentistry where I practised activities such as suturing and tooth carving. The tooth carving exercise reinforced my manual dexterity skills as I used a Lecron Carver to form a molar out of a wax cuboid by making small details such as the pits and fissures present in a molar.

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I drew parallels between this and the dexterity required in henna tattooing which I have been practising on family and friends for over 3 years.

I was privileged to carry out work experience in a private practice for a week, where I learnt more about advanced dental technology. I observed an iTero scanner and The Wand being used, both of which put the patient at ease as they felt less nervous about the procedure.

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In comparison, I also spent a week in a NHS practice, where I witnessed varying procedures from fillings to tooth extractions. I understood the significance of dental consultations when I observed the level of support and reassurance that was provided by the dentist. The most engaging procedure that I observed was the crown preparation. I noticed many steps involved, such as shaping the tooth, taking impressions and maintaining the correct shade of the tooth which further embedded my desire to pursue dentistry. During this experience, I met a patient who had breast cancer and I learnt how cancer can affect oral health. After some research, I found out that cancer, in general, weakens the immune system, especially when the patient receives chemotherapy. This means that the dentist had to take further care to ensure the safety of the patient and to provide tailored treatment. I noticed this at the clinic when the dentist carried out a detailed consultation in which he had to ask about specific medications the patient was taking as this could affect the healing process.

For 4 weeks, I volunteered at a care home to understand the importance of patient interaction and to build on relevant skills. During my time at the care home, I built my communication skills when I met an elderly resident who was a retired dentist. Our common interest in dentistry allowed us to have discussions about the evolution of the dental profession and enabled me to appreciate the importance of rapport in developing a patient-carer relationship. At school I participated in the entrepreneurial programme, Micro-Tyco, where I applied my creative thinking and teamwork skills to raise a 25% profit within a one month period, contributing to our school achieving 1st place in this global challenge. During my free time, I regularly play badminton and tennis as it helps me relax and has increased my hand-eye coordination. I also like gardening as it gives me self-satisfaction to see the vegetables grow after the dedication that I put in.

I believe I have the drive and motivation to become a highly-skilled dentist in this rewarding yet challenging profession. I look forward with enthusiasm to the life-long learning this will involve and becoming a part of the future advancements in dental technology that first inspired my interest in Dentistry.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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A Career In Dentistry Personal Statement. (2019, Dec 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-career-in-dentistry-personal-statement-essay

A Career In Dentistry Personal Statement essay
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