Students’ Questions Answered by Our Experts

question icon What tasks does Ariel perform for Prospero?
Category: Literature Views 345
answer icon Ariel performs various tasks for Prospero, including carrying out his orders, creating illusions, and manipulating the weather.
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question icon Why does Mercutio say “a plague o’ both your houses”?
Category: Literature Views 503
answer icon Mercutio says “a plague o’ both your houses” because he blames both the Capulet and the Montague families for his death.
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question icon How did Birnam Wood move and why was Macduff able to kill Macbeth?
Category: Literature Views 493
answer icon Birnam Wood didn't move, it was only a deception. Macduff was able to kill Macbeth because Macbeth was not born of a woman in the traditional way.
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question icon What are Flavius and Murellus angry about at the beginning of the play?
Category: Literature Views 307
answer icon They are angry about the citizens celebrating Julius Caesar's victory over Pompey.
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question icon What does Oberon want?
Category: Literature Views 274
answer icon Oberon wants to obtain the Indian boy from Titania in Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream.
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question icon Why does Oberon order Puck to fetch the magic flower?
Category: Literature Views 363
answer icon Oberon orders Puck to fetch the magic flower to use its powers to make Titania fall in love with a creature of his choosing.
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question icon Why can’t Montag and Mildred remember how they met?
Category: Literature Views 387
answer icon Montag and Mildred cannot remember how they met because their relationship was formed on superficial and meaningless interactions as a result of their shallow and disconnected lifestyle.
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question icon Why don’t the characters in Fahrenheit 451 want to have children?
Category: Literature Views 341
answer icon The characters in Fahrenheit 451 don't want to have children because they think it's meaningless and unnecessary.
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question icon What type of work does Chillingworth take on in New England?
Category: Literature Views 572
answer icon Chillingworth becomes a physician in New England.
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question icon Why does Hester choose the forest to meet Dimmesdale and Chillingworth?
Category: Literature Views 292
answer icon Hester chooses the forest to meet Dimmesdale and Chillingworth because it provides privacy and a sense of freedom from societal expectations.
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question icon What is the first clue that Dimmesdale is Pearl’s father?
Category: Literature Views 294
answer icon Dimmesdale's reaction to Pearl's accusation that he will not stand with them on the scaffold is the first clue that he is Pearl's father.
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question icon Why is Roger Chillingworth called “the leech”?
Category: Literature Views 352
answer icon Roger Chillingworth is called "the leech" because he clings to and feeds off of the suffering of others, particularly his obsession with torturing and tormenting Arthur Dimmesdale.
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question icon How does Frankenstein figure out that the Monster killed William?
Category: Literature Views 392
answer icon Frankenstein figures out that the Monster killed William from the evidence and clues that he gathers, including the marks found on William's neck and the Monster's presence near the scene of the crime.
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question icon How does the Monster learn to speak and read?
Category: Literature Views 650
answer icon The Monster learns to speak and read from observing and listening to the De Lacey family.
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question icon Why does Walton turn the ship around?
Category: Literature Views 357
answer icon Walton turns the ship around because his crew are uncertain about continuing their voyage in dangerous waters.
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question icon Why does Frankenstein destroy the Monster’s female companion?
Category: Literature Views 493
answer icon Frankenstein destroys the Monster's female companion because he fears that they will breed and create a new race of monsters.
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question icon How does Huck foil the attempts of the duke and king to rob the Wilks family?
Category: Literature Views 377
answer icon Huck exposes the fraudulence of the duke and king's claims to be long-lost brothers of the deceased Peter Wilks by revealing their inability to correctly identify personal items and family members.
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question icon What is significant about the words that Offred plays in Scrabble with the Commander?
Category: Literature Views 360
answer icon The words that Offred plays in Scrabble with the Commander demonstrate her intelligence and education, as well as the power dynamics at play in their relationship.
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question icon What does Boxer represent?
Category: Literature Views 334
answer icon Boxer represents the working class and their immense strength and loyalty.
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question icon Why aren’t the stories in chronological order?
Category: Literature Views 380
answer icon To create more complexity and added depth to the narrative structure.
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question icon Who is the Lord of the Flies?
Category: Literature Views 340
answer icon The Lord of the Flies is a character in the novel named after him, also known as Beelzebub, a representation of the devil, symbolizing the dark, savage impulses of humanity.
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question icon What is the conch and what does it symbolize?
Category: Literature Views 378
answer icon The conch is a seashell that symbolizes power and order in William Golding's novel "Lord of the Flies".
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question icon What does Boxer’s death represent?
Category: Literature Views 408
answer icon Boxer's death represents the betrayal of the working class by those in power.
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question icon What is a catcher in the rye and why does Holden want to be one?
Category: Literature Views 337
answer icon The Catcher in the Rye is a novel by J.D. Salinger. Holden wants to be a catcher in the rye because he wants to protect the innocence of children and prevent them from falling into the corrupt world of adults.
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question icon What does the rabid dog Atticus shoots symbolize?
Category: Literature Views 386
answer icon The rabid dog Atticus shoots symbolizes the threat of racism and prejudice in Maycomb.
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