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What does the rabid dog Atticus shoots symbolize?

Category: Literature

In literature, symbolism plays a crucial role in conveying deeper meanings and themes. The use of symbols allows authors to imbue their works with a broader significance, enabling readers to explore complex ideas and emotions beyond the literal level of the text. In Harper Lee's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird, one of the most prominent symbols is the rabid dog that Atticus shoots. This symbol holds significant thematic value, representing several key motifs and ideas present in the novel. The rabid dog symbolizes the danger and threat of racism and bigotry in the South. This motif is central in the novel, as the racial prejudice and discrimination of the white community towards their African American neighbors casts a dark shadow over the town of Maycomb.

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What does the rabid dog Atticus shoots symbolize?. (2023, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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