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Why does Frankenstein destroy the Monster’s female companion?

Category: Literature

In Mary Shelley's classic novel "Frankenstein," the eponymous scientist, Victor Frankenstein, creates a living being known as the Monster. Despite his creation's initial innocence, the Monster soon proves to be a formidable and terrifying force, wreaking havoc and destruction wherever he goes. As Frankenstein is forced to confront the consequences of his actions, he decides to create a companion for the Monster in the hopes of placating him and ending his reign of terror. However, at the last minute, Frankenstein destroys the female companion, and it is not immediately clear why he would do such a thing. The main reason is that he fears they may start reproducing, creating a family of monster-like creatures.

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Why does Frankenstein destroy the Monster’s female companion?. (2023, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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