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Why Does The Monster Feel He Has The Right To Seek Revenge On Frankenstein?

Category: Literature

In Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein, the monster feels he has the right to seek revenge on Frankenstein because he has been rejected and mistreated by his creator and by society at large. The monster, who is created by Frankenstein through a scientific experiment, is initially a benign and innocent creature, but he is quickly rejected by Frankenstein and by everyone who encounters him. He is forced to live a life of isolation and loneliness, and is subjected to constant abuse and persecution because of his appearance. As a result, the monster becomes embittered and vengeful, and seeks to inflict pain on Frankenstein in order to make him understand the suffering that he has caused.

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Why Does The Monster Feel He Has The Right To Seek Revenge On Frankenstein?. (2023, Mar 03). Retrieved from

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