Students’ Questions Answered by Our Experts

question icon What is the purpose of the Japanese tourists Offred and Ofglen meet while shopping?
Category: Literature Views 304
answer icon The purpose of the Japanese tourists that Offred and Ofglen meet while shopping is to provide contrast between Gilead and the civilized world.
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question icon Why does Nestor invite Telemachus to the feast before knowing his identity?
Category: Literature Views 395
answer icon Nestor invites Telemachus to the feast as a gesture of hospitality and kindness.
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question icon Why does Gatsby stop throwing parties?
Category: Literature Views 268
answer icon Gatsby stops throwing parties because they do not impress Daisy.
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question icon Who is killed in the final confrontation with Dracula?
Category: Literature Views 297
answer icon Dracula and Quincey Morris are killed in the final confrontation.
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question icon Why does Calypso allow Odysseus to leave her island?
Category: Literature Views 339
answer icon Calypso allows Odysseus to leave her island because Zeus ordered her to do so.
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question icon What gifts does Wealhtheow give Beowulf?
Category: Literature Views 276
answer icon Wealhtheow presents Beowulf with a torque, a mantle, and a ring as gifts.
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question icon Who is Poor Tom?
Category: Literature Views 259
answer icon Poor Tom is a character in William Shakespeare's play King Lear who is a madman disguised as a beggar.
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question icon How does Romeo convince the reluctant Apothecary to sell him poison?
Category: Literature Views 274
answer icon Through offering him a large sum of money.
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question icon Who is responsible for Jim’s recapture and how does it happen?
Category: Literature Views 264
answer icon Tom and Huck are responsible for Jim's recapture as they reveal his hiding place to the authorities.
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question icon Why does Jack think he should be the chief?
Category: Literature Views 382
answer icon Because he believes he is the strongest and most capable of leading and making decisions for the group.
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question icon Who attacks Mrs Joe?
Category: Literature Views 232
answer icon Orlick attacks Mrs Joe.
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question icon Why does Okonkwo kill Ikemefuna?
Category: Literature Views 446
answer icon Okonkwo kills Ikemefuna because he was ordered to do so by the village elders and he wanted to appear strong and not weak like his father.
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question icon Why does the dragon attack Beowulf’s kingdom?
Category: Literature Views 365
answer icon The dragon attacks Beowulf's kingdom because a slave stole a precious treasure from its hoard.
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question icon Why does Ruth want an abortion?
Category: Literature Views 299
answer icon In the book "Never Let Me Go" by Kazuo Ishiguro, Ruth does not seek an abortion.
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question icon Why is Julia attracted to Winston?
Category: Literature Views 331
answer icon Julia is attracted to Winston in "1984" by George Orwell because she sees him as a fellow rebel who shares her dislike for the Party and their oppressive society.
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question icon How does the dragon kill Beowulf?
Category: Literature Views 358
answer icon The dragon fatally wounds Beowulf with its breath and wounds him with his teeth.
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question icon Why does Nwoye admire Ikemefuna?
Category: Literature Views 391
answer icon Nwoye admires Ikemefuna for his courage and strength.
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question icon How does Huck escape from the feud between the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons?
Category: Literature Views 349
answer icon Huck escapes by faking his own death and fleeing down the river on a raft.
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question icon Where does O’Brien take his daughter Kathleen in Vietnam?
Category: Literature Views 300
answer icon O'Brien takes his daughter Kathleen to the site where Kiowa was killed in Vietnam.
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question icon Who is the narrator of Slaughterhouse-Five?
Category: Literature Views 204
answer icon Billy Pilgrim.
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question icon Why do George and Lennie travel together?
Category: Literature Views 288
answer icon George and Lennie travel together because Lennie has a mental disability and relies on George for guidance and protection.
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question icon Why does Mitch reject Blanche?
Category: Literature Views 281
answer icon Mitch rejects Blanche because he finds out about her promiscuous past from Stanley.
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question icon Why does Iago hate Cassio?
Category: Literature Views 285
answer icon Iago hates Cassio because he was chosen as lieutenant instead of him.
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question icon Why does Othello go to Cyprus?
Category: Literature Views 241
answer icon Othello goes to Cyprus as he is appointed as the governor and is a military commander there.
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question icon How does Prospero manipulate Alonso and his company?
Category: Literature Views 377
answer icon Prospero manipulates Alonso and his company through the use of his magic, illusions and strategic planning.
star star star star star 2 (1)
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