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What gifts does Wealhtheow give Beowulf?

Category: Literature

Wealhtheow, the queen of the Danes in the epic poem Beowulf, presents Beowulf with a collection of precious gifts as a token of appreciation and gratitude. Among these offerings are a magnificent torque, a gold-embroidered collar known for its exquisite craftsmanship and symbolic significance, representing honor and authority. Additionally, she presents him with an ornate armlet, a beautifully crafted golden bracelet adorned with intricate designs, symbolizing their bond and alliance. These gifts serve as a reflection of Wealhtheow's admiration for Beowulf's valor and heroism, and they embody the generosity and wealth of the Danish kingdom.

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What gifts does Wealhtheow give Beowulf?. (2023, Jul 01). Retrieved from

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