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Why does Prospero give up magic?

Category: Literature

Prospero, the central character in Shakespeare's play "The Tempest", ultimately gives up magic due to his realization that it is ultimately an illusion and a temporary source of power. Throughout the play, Prospero uses his magical abilities to control and manipulate the other characters, seeking revenge and retribution. However, as the story progresses, he begins to understand the limitations and consequences of his actions. Through his interactions with his daughter Miranda, the spirit Ariel, and the monster Caliban, Prospero learns the value of forgiveness, empathy, and the need for human connection. Recognizing that his pursuit of power through magic has caused harm and isolation, he chooses to relinquish his sorcery, symbolizing a personal transformation and a shift towards a more compassionate and harmonious existence. Prospero's decision to give up magic highlights the play's central theme of redemption and the triumph of humanity over the allure of supernatural control.

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