Students’ Questions Answered by Our Experts

question icon What are the things the soldiers carry?
Category: Literature Views 205
answer icon In the book, ssoldiers typically carry weapons, ammunition, protective gear, communication devices, etc, but also their emotions and memories.
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question icon Why is Olivia melancholy at the beginning of the play?
Category: Literature Views 334
answer icon Olivia is melancholy at the beginning of the play due to her brother's recent death.
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question icon Who helped Prospero and Miranda escape?
Category: Literature Views 281
answer icon Ariel helped Prospero and Miranda escape.
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question icon What happens to Murellus and Flavius?
Category: Literature Views 316
answer icon Murellus and Flavius are punished for removing decorations from Caesar's statues.
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question icon Why does Lindner try to convince the Younger family not to move?
Category: Literature Views 377
answer icon Lindner tries to convince the Younger family not to move because he wants to maintain segregation and protect the property values of the white community.
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question icon Why does Puck turn Bottom into a donkey?
Category: Literature Views 309
answer icon Puck turns Bottom into a donkey as part of a mischievous prank on the mortal characters in A Midsummer Night's Dream.
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question icon What does the phrase “so it goes” mean in the novel?
Category: Literature Views 280
answer icon The phrase "so it goes" in the novel means acknowledging death as an inevitable part of life and accepting it without dwelling on it.
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question icon What is an egwugwu and why are the villagers horrified when Enoch unmasks one?
Category: Literature Views 329
answer icon An egwugwu is a masked spirit representing a clan ancestor in Igbo culture. The villagers are horrified when Enoch unmasks one because it is considered sacrilegious to remove the mask of an egwugwu and it is believed that doing so will bring misfortune and punishment to the offender.
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question icon What happens to Rat Kiley?
Category: Literature Views 242
answer icon Rat Kiley goes crazy and shoots himself in the foot.
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question icon How does Pearl react when she first sees her mother without the scarlet A?
Category: Literature Views 311
answer icon Pearl becomes confused and does not recognize her mother without the scarlet A.
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question icon What does Dimmesdale believe he sees when the meteor lights up the night sky?
Category: Literature Views 382
answer icon Dimmesdale believes he sees the letter "A" in the meteor when it lights up the night sky.
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question icon Why does Tom insist on switching cars with Gatsby when they go to the city?
Category: Literature Views 405
answer icon Tom insists on switching cars with Gatsby when they go to the city because he wants to maintain his status and not be seen in Gatsby's flashy car.
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question icon Does Edna commit suicide?
Category: Literature Views 435
answer icon Yes.
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question icon What happens to Magwitch?
Category: Literature Views 254
answer icon Magwitch dies of old age and diseases.
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question icon What is the court’s decision on Bob’s murder?
Category: Literature Views 250
answer icon The court closes the case.
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question icon How does Jane respond to learning about her inheritance?
Category: Literature Views 295
answer icon Jane is initially shocked to learn about her inheritance in "Jane Eyre," but she ultimately uses it to gain financial independence and pursue her own happiness.
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question icon Why is Sodapop upset about Sandy?
Category: Literature Views 250
answer icon Sodapop is upset about Sandy because she got pregnant and moved away.
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question icon What happens to John before and after the death of Linda?
Category: Literature Views 400
answer icon In Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World," the character John undergoes a significant transformation after his mother's death. Raised in the pre-modern Savage Reservation, John's values clash with the hedonistic ethos of the Brave New World society, where his mother was exiled for breaking social norms.
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question icon When does Jim earn his freedom?
Category: Literature Views 273
answer icon Toward the end of the novel.
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question icon Why does Winston think hope lies with the proles?
Category: Literature Views 413
answer icon Winston thinks hope lies with the proles because they have the potential to rise up against the Party and overthrow the oppressive regime.
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question icon How is Tom Robinson a mockingbird?
Category: Literature Views 373
answer icon Tom Robinson is a mockingbird because he is an innocent and vulnerable character who is unfairly persecuted and harmed by others, just like a mockingbird innocently singing its beautiful song can also be harmed by those who seek to destroy it.
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question icon What does Slim do at the ranch?
Category: Literature Views 253
answer icon Slim works as a skinner at the ranch.
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question icon What happens on Scout and Jem’s walk home from the harvest pageant?
Category: Literature Views 335
answer icon Scout and Jem are attacked on their way home from the harvest pageant.
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question icon Why does Rochester dress up as a fortune teller?
Category: Literature Views 275
answer icon To win Jane's heart and try to predict her feelings toward him.
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question icon Why do Cherry and Ponyboy talk about sunsets?
Category: Literature Views 422
answer icon Cherry and Ponyboy talk about sunsets as a common interest to establish a connection and understand each other's perspectives.
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