Students’ Questions Answered by Our Experts

question icon Why does Tom bring up race so often?
Category: Literature Views 280
answer icon Tom brings up race frequently in The Great Gatsby because he sees it as a way to assert his power and superiority over others, particularly those who are not white.
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question icon Why does Caesar decide to go to the Senate despite his wife’s warnings?
Category: Literature Views 411
answer icon Because he believes it is necessary for the good of Rome.
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question icon What do Johnny’s last words mean?
Category: Literature Views 310
answer icon Johnny's last words in "The Outsiders" mean that Ponyboy should stay true to himself in the cruel world.
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question icon Why doesn’t John Proctor attend church often?
Category: Literature Views 459
answer icon John Proctor doesn't attend church often because he dislikes the hypocrisy of the church leaders and their corrupted ways.
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question icon What role does Janie’s physical appearance play in the novel?
Category: Literature Views 303
answer icon Janie’s physical appearance plays a significant role in the novel as it influences how she is perceived and treated by others, particularly men, and shapes her own identity and sense of self-worth.
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question icon What are the personal histories of Nanny Janie’s grandmother and of Janie’s mother?
Category: Literature Views 361
answer icon Janie's grandmother was a freed slave, and Janie's mother left Janie and run away to search a better life.
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question icon What is “the muck” where Janie and Tea Cake live?
Category: Literature Views 316
answer icon The muck is an area of land in the Everglades known for its rich, fertile soil where Janie and Tea Cake live.
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question icon Why does Roderigo agree to kill Cassio?
Category: Literature Views 301
answer icon Roderigo agrees to kill Cassio because he is desperate to win over Desdemona's love and thinks that by removing Cassio, he will eliminate his competition for her affection.
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question icon What happens to Portia?
Category: Literature Views 258
answer icon She successfully reaches her goals and helps her loved one.
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question icon Why does Romeo fight Tybalt?
Category: Literature Views 286
answer icon Romeo fights Tybalt because Tybalt had killed Romeo's friend Mercutio.
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question icon What is Cordelia’s response to King Lear’s love test?
Category: Literature Views 328
answer icon Cordelia refuses to participate in King Lear's love test.
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question icon What is the significance of Malvolio wearing yellow cross-gartered stockings?
Category: Literature Views 488
answer icon Malvolio wearing yellow cross-gartered stockings symbolizes his arrogance and foolishness which are exploited by other characters in the play Twelfth Night.
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question icon Why does Feste wear a disguise to speak to Malvolio when he is imprisoned?
Category: Literature Views 366
answer icon To trick Malvolio into thinking he is someone else and gather information.
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question icon What does Gonzalo say he would do if he were lord of the island?
Category: Literature Views 302
answer icon Gonzalo says he would make the island a paradise and eliminate all tyranny.
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question icon What convinces Macbeth that he is invincible over Macduff’s army?
Category: Literature Views 335
answer icon Macbeth is convinced that he is invincible over Macduff's army because of the apparition's prophecy that none of woman born shall harm Macbeth" and the second prophecy that "Macbeth will be defeated only when Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane castle."
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question icon Why does Laertes break into Claudius’s chamber?
Category: Literature Views 294
answer icon Laertes breaks into Claudius's chamber to confront him about his father's death.
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question icon Why does Viola disguise herself as a boy?
Category: Literature Views 416
answer icon Viola disguises herself as a boy to protect herself while seeking employment and to enter into Duke Orsino's service.
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question icon Why does Antony shake hands with the conspirators?
Category: Literature Views 355
answer icon Antony shakes hands with the conspirators to show that he is not a threat to them and to gain their trust.
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question icon Why do Romeo Mercutio and Benvolio go to the Capulets’ party?
Category: Literature Views 411
answer icon They go to the Capulets' party because Romeo is in love with Juliet, a Capulet.
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question icon Why are Piggy’s glasses important?
Category: Literature Views 418
answer icon Piggy's glasses are important because they are the key for starting a fire on the island and they also symbolize intelligence and rationality.
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question icon Why does Jack start his own tribe?
Category: Literature Views 318
answer icon Jack starts his own tribe in order to assert his leadership and gain power over the other boys on the island.
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question icon What does Simon want to tell the other boys?
Category: Literature Views 336
answer icon Simon realizes that the "beast" is within themselves and tries to tell the other boys, but they kill him before he can explain.
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question icon Why does Beloved haunt the house at 124?
Category: Literature Views 555
answer icon Beloved haunts the house at 124 because she is the reincarnation of Sethe's daughter whom she killed in order to prevent her from being enslaved.
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question icon Why does Macbeth kill King Duncan’s two chamberlains?
Category: Literature Views 437
answer icon Macbeth kills King Duncan's two chamberlains to frame them for the murder of Duncan and divert suspicion from himself.
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question icon What happens to Ariel at the end of the play?
Category: Literature Views 278
answer icon Ariel is set free by Prospero and he leaves the island.
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