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What are the personal histories of Nanny Janie’s grandmother and of Janie’s mother?

Category: Literature

In Zora Neale Hurston's novel "Their Eyes Were Watching God," Nanny Janie's grandmother and Janie's mother both have distinct personal histories. Nanny's grandmother was a slave who endured the harsh realities of bondage and experienced the pain of having her children torn away from her. She later became a freed woman and, out of her concern for Janie's future, arranged for her to marry an older, financially secure man. Janie's mother, on the other hand, was a fair-skinned woman who faced the challenges of living in a society deeply divided by colorism. She eventually ran away, leaving Janie in the care of her grandmother, in search of a better life. Despite their different paths, both women grappled with the limitations imposed by their circumstances and sought to protect Janie from similar struggles, albeit in different ways.

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What are the personal histories of Nanny Janie’s grandmother and of Janie’s mother?. (2023, Jul 01). Retrieved from

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