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What is “the muck” where Janie and Tea Cake live?

Category: Literature

In Zora Neale Hurston's novel "Their Eyes Were Watching God," "the muck" refers to the fertile, black soil of the Florida Everglades where Janie and Tea Cake live and work harvesting crops. The term "muck" in agriculture typically refers to organic matter, such as decomposed plant and animal material, that has accumulated over time and is rich in nutrients. This type of soil is ideal for growing crops as it contains a high amount of organic matter, minerals, and water retention capacity, which promotes healthy plant growth.In the novel, Janie and Tea Cake work as migrant laborers in the muck, where they cultivate crops such as beans, potatoes, and yams.

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What is “the muck” where Janie and Tea Cake live?. (2023, Jul 01). Retrieved from

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