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Why does Caesar decide to go to the Senate despite his wife’s warnings?

Category: Literature

Caesar's decision to go to the Senate despite his wife's warnings in the play "Julius Caesar" by William Shakespeare can be attributed to a combination of factors. Firstly, Caesar was a proud and ambitious leader who valued his public image and reputation. He believed that by appearing at the Senate, he would demonstrate his strength and invincibility, thereby bolstering his standing among the Roman people. Secondly, Caesar's desire for power and his confidence in his abilities overshadowed any personal fears or concerns. He disregarded his wife Calpurnia's ominous dreams and warnings, convinced that he could overcome any potential threat. Additionally, Caesar's unwavering trust in his loyal followers, such as Mark Antony, further influenced his decision, as he believed they would protect him from harm. Ultimately, Caesar's arrogance and belief in his own infallibility outweighed his wife's concerns, leading him to disregard her warnings and attend the Senate, ultimately meeting his tragic fate.

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Why does Caesar decide to go to the Senate despite his wife’s warnings?. (2023, Jul 01). Retrieved from

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