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Why does Caesar’s will have such a powerful impact on the plebeians?

Category: Literature

Caesar's will possesses immense power over the plebeians due to several reasons. Firstly, it serves as a symbol of Caesar's legacy and generosity towards the people of Rome. As a powerful and beloved ruler, who had conquered many territories and brought prosperity to Rome, Caesar's will acts as a testament to his power and benevolence. The plebeians perceive Caesar's will as a way to honor his memory and legacy, and also to secure their own futures.Secondly, Caesar's will contains specific provisions that benefit the plebeians directly. For instance, Caesar bequeaths a large sum of money to each citizen of Rome, which would alleviate their financial burden, and provide a sense of security.

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Why does Caesar’s will have such a powerful impact on the plebeians?. (2023, May 15). Retrieved from

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