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Why does Eveline decide to stay in Dublin in “Eveline”?

Category: Literature

In James Joyce's "Eveline," the protagonist Eveline makes the decision to stay in Dublin instead of leaving with her lover Frank to start a new life abroad. The decision is a complex one, and Joyce expertly establishes Eveline's psychological, social, and historical context to explain why she makes this choice. Firstly, Eveline's family situation is a major factor in her decision to stay. Eveline is the eldest daughter, and she has taken on the responsibility of caring for her younger siblings after her mother's death. Her father is abusive and neglectful, and Eveline has grown used to being the caretaker for her family. Leaving with Frank would mean abandoning her siblings to their father's care, which she doesn't want to do.

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Why does Eveline decide to stay in Dublin in “Eveline”?. (2023, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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