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Why does Roderigo agree to kill Cassio?

Category: Literature

In William Shakespeare's tragedy, Othello, Roderigo is one of the central characters in the play, and his motivations for agreeing to kill Cassio are multifaceted. There are several contributing factors, including his infatuation with Desdemona, his feelings of betrayal by Cassio, and his desperation to gain the favor of Othello. Roderigo is portrayed as an impulsive and naïve character who has fallen deeply in love with Desdemona, the wife of Othello. He is convinced that if he can eliminate Cassio, Desdemona will be free to choose him as her lover. This infatuation clouds his judgment, and he is willing to go to great lengths to achieve his goal.

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Why does Roderigo agree to kill Cassio?. (2023, Jul 01). Retrieved from

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