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How does Roderigo die?

Category: Literature

In Shakespeare's play "Othello," Roderigo, a gullible and lovelorn character, meets his demise in a confrontation orchestrated by Iago, the play's main antagonist. Iago manipulates Roderigo into believing that he has a chance with Desdemona, Othello's wife, and convinces him to carry out his schemes. However, when Roderigo fails to achieve his desired outcome, he becomes disillusioned. In a pivotal moment, Iago unexpectedly stabs Roderigo during a scuffle, revealing his true nature and leaving Roderigo mortally wounded. This tragic turn of events serves as a testament to the destructive power of manipulation and deception.

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How does Roderigo die?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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