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How does Cassio fall from Othello’s grace and get fired?

Category: Literature

Cassio is a lieutenant in Othello's army, who initially has a good relationship with Othello, but due to several unfortunate incidents, he falls from Othello's grace and eventually gets fired. The various events that lead to this downfall are as follows:1. Cassio gets drunk: Cassio's problems begin when he gets drunk during a celebration after the victory over the Turks. This infuriates Othello, who had specifically instructed Cassio to keep a watchful eye on the celebration and to keep the men in check. Despite this, Cassio succumbs to temptation and drinks heavily.2. Cassio gets into a fight: As a result of his intoxication, Cassio picks a fight, injures 1 character and gets fired as a result of this.

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How does Cassio fall from Othello’s grace and get fired?. (2023, May 15). Retrieved from

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