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Why doesn’t John Proctor attend church often?

Category: Literature

It can be inferred that John Proctor's lack of attendance at church can be attributed to his skepticism towards the established religious institutions and their practices. In colonial America, church attendance was mandatory, and non-compliance was regarded as a sin punishable by social ostracism and other severe consequences. However, Proctor's refusal to adhere to this norm highlights his rebellious and unconventional nature. Moreover, Proctor's disengagement with the church could be viewed as a manifestation of his inner conflict between his moral values and the hypocrisy he perceived from the church's leadership. Puritanism was a prominent religious movement during Proctor's time, and it placed great emphasis on the strict adherence to religious doctrines and codes of conduct.

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Why doesn’t John Proctor attend church often?. (2023, Jul 01). Retrieved from

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