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What happens to Magwitch?

Category: Literature

In Charles Dickens' novel "Great Expectations," Abel Magwitch, a convict, plays a significant role in the life of the protagonist, Pip. As the story progresses, Magwitch's true identity is revealed as Pip's secret benefactor, who has accumulated wealth in Australia. However, his return to England places him in great danger, as he is still considered a criminal by the authorities. Despite this risk, Magwitch selflessly continues to support Pip, revealing his deep affection for him. In a climactic sequence, Magwitch is captured by the police, and his health rapidly deteriorates during his subsequent imprisonment. Pip's unwavering loyalty to Magwitch is tested as he attempts to secure his freedom, but ultimately, Magwitch succumbs to his ailments and dies peacefully in Pip's arms, having found redemption through his selfless acts and the love he found in Pip.

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