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How is Tom Robinson a mockingbird?

Category: Literature

In the literary context of the classic American novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, Tom Robinson represents the archetypal mockingbird figure. In this context, a mockingbird symbolizes innocence and vulnerability, as well as a purity of heart and soul. Tom Robinson, a black man accused of a crime he did not commit, embodies these qualities due to the nature of his persecution and the circumstances of his life. One of the key characteristics of a mockingbird is its innocence. Tom Robinson is innocent of the crime he is accused of, yet he is targeted simply because of his race. As a black man in a deeply divided and racist society, Tom is persecuted not for any wrongdoing on his part, and even for the ones he did not commit.

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How is Tom Robinson a mockingbird?. (2023, Jul 01). Retrieved from

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