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What Is The Book Tom Jones About?

Category: Literature

Tom Jones is a novel by Henry Fielding, first published in 1749. It is one of the most important novels in English literature, and it established Fielding as one of the earliest proponents of the British novel.

The story has been described as "Fielding's best-known work" and "the first modern English prose novel". Its full title is The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, but it was also published as The History of Tom Jones: A Foundling and The History of Tom Jones: The Foundling.

The novel is divided into 18 books (each book containing between two and eight chapters), each preceded by a discursive chapter that serves as an introduction to the next section. The central character is Tom Jones, who grows up to be a young man in eighteenth-century England. A foundling, he becomes involved with three women of different social classes: Sophia Western, who comes from a wealthy family; Harriet Byron, who comes from a family with more modest means; and Molly, who has no money or status at all.

Although he gets into trouble for his romantic entanglements with these women it ends well for him as he marries Sophia Western.

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