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How does the dragon kill Beowulf?

Category: Literature

In the epic poem Beowulf, the dragon kills Beowulf through a fierce and perilous battle. After the dragon's treasure is stolen, it awakens from its slumber in a fit of rage. Beowulf, now an aged king, valiantly decides to confront the dragon despite the odds stacked against him. As they clash in combat, the dragon's fiery breath and razor-sharp claws prove to be formidable weapons. Beowulf fights valiantly, but his strength and agility have diminished over time. Eventually, the dragon manages to strike a fatal blow, piercing Beowulf's armor and mortally wounding him. In his final act of heroism, Beowulf delivers a powerful counterattack, ultimately slaying the dragon but succumbing to his own injuries shortly thereafter. Thus, Beowulf meets his end in a harrowing battle, leaving behind a legacy of bravery and heroism.

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