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How Does Beowulf Kill Grendel's Mother?

Category: Literature

In the epic poem "Beowulf," after the fearless hero Beowulf successfully slays the monstrous creature Grendel in Heorot, the Danish mead hall, he embarks on a perilous quest to vanquish Grendel's vengeful mother. Determined to avenge her son's death, she resides in a treacherous underwater lair. Equipped with the mighty sword Hrunting, a gift from Unferth, Beowulf dives into the dark depths and confronts the formidable foe. The battle is fierce, with Grendel's mother gaining the upper hand momentarily, but Beowulf eventually discovers a powerful, enchanted sword forged by giants on the wall of the lair. He seizes the weapon and delivers a fatal blow to the monster, ultimately defeating her and bringing an end to the malevolent threats that plagued Heorot.

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