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Who is responsible for Jim’s recapture and how does it happen?

Category: Literature

In the novel by Mark Twain, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," Jim's recapture is ultimately the result of the actions of Tom Sawyer, Huck's friend. Despite being aware of Jim's escape and his status as a runaway slave seeking freedom, Tom Sawyer insists on making Jim's recapture a part of an elaborate and unnecessary plan for adventure. Tom concocts an intricate scheme involving secret tunnels, hidden messages, and various obstacles, all in an effort to emulate the thrilling adventures from the books he has read. Although Huck believes they should help Jim escape, he reluctantly goes along with Tom's plan. As a result, Jim is recaptured by his former owners, and it becomes clear that Tom's misguided pursuit of excitement and adherence to societal norms supersede his concern for Jim's well-being and freedom.

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Who is responsible for Jim’s recapture and how does it happen?. (2023, Jul 01). Retrieved from

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