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Why does Okonkwo kill Ikemefuna?

Category: Literature

Okonkwo kills Ikemefuna due to a combination of fear, pride, and adherence to cultural norms. As a stern and ambitious warrior in Chinua Achebe's novel "Things Fall Apart," Okonkwo feels compelled to prove his masculinity and maintain his status within the community. When the Oracle declares that Ikemefuna must be sacrificed as compensation for a past offense, Okonkwo participates in the act to avoid appearing weak or effeminate, despite growing fondness and attachment towards Ikemefuna. This tragic event showcases the tragic flaws of Okonkwo's character and the destructive consequences of rigid adherence to cultural traditions.

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Why does Okonkwo kill Ikemefuna?. (2023, Jul 01). Retrieved from

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