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How does Ikemefuna become Okonkwo’s adopted son?

Category: Literature

Ikemefuna becomes Okonkwo's adopted son in the novel "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe. The story is set in a small village called Umuofia, in Nigeria. Ikemefuna is a young boy from a neighboring village who is sent to live with Okonkwo's people as a sacrifice for a murder that occurred in Umuofia. The Umuofians believe that by taking in Ikemefuna, they will avoid a war with the neighboring village.Okonkwo, the protagonist of the novel, is a respected warrior and leader in the village. He has three wives and several children but is always trying to prove his masculinity and strength to the rest of the people.

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How does Ikemefuna become Okonkwo’s adopted son?. (2023, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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