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What does Boxer’s death represent?

Category: Literature

In literature, the concept of death often represents a significant shift in the narrative or the overarching themes being explored. When considering the death of Boxer in George Orwell's Animal Farm, it is evident that his demise serves several purposes. First and foremost, Boxer's death is emblematic of the desperate and tragic consequences that come with blindly following a leader or ideology without question. As a staunch supporter of Animalism and the Farm's goals, Boxer works tirelessly to advance the cause and ensure that the other animals are taken care of. However, despite his best efforts, he is ultimately betrayed and sacrificed by the very leaders he sought to serve. Furthermore, Boxer's death highlights the oppressive nature of totalitarian regimes and serves as a warning against the dangers of corrupting power.

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What does Boxer’s death represent?. (2023, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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