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What is significant about the words that Offred plays in Scrabble with the Commander?

Category: Literature

In Margaret Atwood's dystopian novel "The Handmaid's Tale," the game of Scrabble plays an important symbolic role in portraying the power dynamics between Offred, the protagonist, and the Commander, her superior in the oppressive society of Gilead. The words that Offred plays in Scrabble carry significant meanings that reveal her feelings of rebellion against the patriarchal system and her efforts to gain a sense of agency in an environment where her autonomy is severely restricted.The first significant word that Offred plays in Scrabble with the Commander is "quince," a fruit that symbolizes femininity and sexuality. This word represents the intense desire that Offred feels for physical intimacy, which is denied to her as a handmaid, whose sole purpose is to bear children for her master.

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What is significant about the words that Offred plays in Scrabble with the Commander?. (2023, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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