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Why is Roger Chillingworth called “the leech”?

Category: Literature

In Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel, "The Scarlet Letter," Roger Chillingworth is commonly referred to as "the leech." This seemingly derogatory moniker is used as a metaphor to summarily depict Chillingworth's parasitic nature and his insidious influence on the story's central characters. The metaphor is especially potent as it not only speaks to Chillingworth's physical appearance but also to his relationship with the protagonist, Hester Prynne.The use of the term "leech" in the novel is aptly chosen as it conjures up an image of a bloodsucking creature, clinging to its host and draining it of its lifeblood.

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Why is Roger Chillingworth called “the leech”?. (2023, Jul 01). Retrieved from

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