My Life Experience Essay Examples

My Life Experience - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Personally, I have always thought of heroes as people who go above and beyond to help others in a truly selfless way, often in the act of self-sacrifice. Joseph Campbell’s version of the hero, based on the pattern found in myths and folklore, seems to come from a very different understanding of the role (Winkler, M, 2012). Using Joseph’s model we are probably all heroes in some respect as the stages of the “hero’s journey” seems to be a summary of the human experience. We discover, learn, struggle, and adapt. As life goes on the struggles that we experience lead to the emergence of our better selves. I found the stages of “mundane world”, “the call to adventure”, “crossing the threshold”, “the path of trials”, and the “master of two worlds” to be extremely relatable to my own experience (Theherocc, 2011).

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