Evolution Essay Examples

Evolution - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Evolution can mean a vast majority of things depending on the person you talk to. When people talk about evolution some are out to change your view, some are trying to give you new information, and some just want to learn about it because they want to learn more. Evolution is accepted by people even though it is just a theory. We can’t explain why people just accept this flowering idea. It could be the fact that the evidence is very prominent, or the theory makes sense. The fossils that support the theory of evolution show that it is an almost proven fact. Even though the theory isn’t a law it has too much evidence to not be looked into. The theory of evolution has too many fossils in its records such as Selam, Lucy, and Turkana boy to not be thought about. Selam is an Australopithecus afarensis which translates to “southern ape from Afar”.

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