Confucianism - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

A philosopher, political figure, teacher, and forefather of the Ru School of Chinese thought, Confucius, also named “Master Kong”, was a fifth-century BCE Chinese thinker who influenced all of East Asia as becoming a culturally symbolic figure. Born in the city of Lu, present-day Qufu, in 551 BCE-479 BCE, Confucius was raised by a single mother. Growing up, Confucius lived his life with a broad set of competencies. He studied music and history, also, learned hunting, fishing, and archery (Arnold). Confucius grew to become a well-known philosopher whose teachings were recorded and persevered in a text called the Analects (a collection of his sayings). He formed the foundation of how the ideal human should be educated and compassionate for one’s community and should live life in order to seek self-development, through important virtues, Jen and Li. Unpretentiously, Confucius states that “he loves to learn and is a transmitter of wisdom from the ancient past” (Riegal, Confucius). He sees himself as a regular individual.

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