Creative Intelligence


In the present era companies strive to bring out the best of their employees. In the current competitive situation it is important to actually realize the potential of your assets. Your employee is one of your assets and it is important to identify the creative ability and creative intelligence of your employees.

The styles of creative intelligence can be categorized under four broad categories each having certain similarities and differences. They are explained below:

  • Intuitive: this is when an individual can sense or know immediately without reasoning and independent of previous experiences.
  • Innovative: being innovative is bringing about a positive change in a person or a thing through radical or incremental change in thinking.
  • Inspirational: being inspirational is thinking out of the box and stating something that no one else has thought of saying as yet.

    The reason for such an act can be inspiration.

  • Imaginative: being imaginative is having the ability to use the power to form an illusionary image of something that is not wholly perceived in reality meaning it is not present in the senses.
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    (Rowe. 2004).

The similarity between these four styles in this that all of them promote creative intelligence. Creative intelligence can be defined as the ability to go beyond the given to generate new and interesting ideas. This usually happens when the crowd goes one way and you go the other, trying to find a smarter way to accomplish a goal. Creative intelligence is highlighted under the four styles:

  • Intuitive: new ideas are generated in this style through a gut feeling and do not have any reasons or justifications.
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    They are independent of any empirical knowledge. A manager being intuitive in making decisions undertakes greater risk but somewhere deep down inside is satisfied with the decision he takes.

  • Innovative: new ideas under this style are generated through bringing about fundamental changes in thinking that would bring greater benefits than loss. A manager being innovative in decision making entails himself to take steps that do not follow any conventional way to derive solutions and that will positively affect the organization.
  • Inspirational: this style generates idea based on out of the box thinking. A manager making a decision can be influenced by a role model, mentor, philosophy, or an incident that took place in his personal or professional life.
  • Imaginative: ideas generated under this style have no perception of reality. A manager’s decision making ability of being imaginative will involve taking decisions that may not have been seen in reality before and a different image is formed due to this (Buzan, 2001).

The differences are seen when one starts to think differently than others and that is when they encounter barriers.

  • Intuitive: since this style involves no reasoning the barrier is this that the decision made by the manager is questioned and not readily accepted because it is not backed by justifications.
  • Innovative: since this style does not involve conventional thinking, the decision of the manager is not accepted by people who follow the old school of thought and are reluctant to change.
  • Inspirational: since this style is based on being inspired, it can vary from person to person. Meaning not tend to be inspired by what one person thinks is out of the box. Hence the decisions can not be assumed to right.
  • Imaginative: since this style is based on forming mental images that are not present in senses, it is hard to accept such a decision because the aspect of reality cannot be associated with the idea (Sternberg, 1997).

Mental models can highly influence decision making and they vary from individual to individual. They do act as limits to decision making at the workplace as well. Certain examples of mental models and mindsets in organizations along with their influence on decision making are highlighted below:

  • Role models as helpful or role models as misleading: a manager having a mindset that role models tend to be helpful, he will make use of his thinking and the way he acted. Whereas a manager who takes role models as misleading will take decisions that opposite to the role model
  • Guidelines as unbreakable marble or guidelines as questionable: a manager perceiving any guideline to be unchangeable will make decisions based on that. Whereas a manager who questions the assumptions of the guidelines tend to take decisions more rationally.
  • Risk as sensible or risk as loath: a manager being a risk taker will not just blindly take risk. He will see risk from a more sensible aspect that is to produce work that others will admire and respect. Whereas a risk averse manager would avoid risk in all circumstances and play a safe game while making decisions.
  • Mistakes as unrepeatable or mistakes as not allowed: managers who make mistakes and learn from them tend to make better decisions than those who allow no room to make a mistake at all.

Other mindsets involved in an organization relate to the delegation of authority, responsibility sharing, appraisal and reward systems, nature of work, attitude of employees and managers, organizational culture and politics, and level of motivation.

All managers should realize this will happen, and ask oneself to develop creative intelligence:

Am I willing to persevere?’


Buzan. T. (2001). The Power of Creative Intelligence. Thorsons.

Rowe, A.J.  (2004). Creative Intelligence: Discovering the Innovative Potential in Ourselves and Others. FT Press.

Sternberg, R. (1997). Successful Intelligence: How Practical and Creative Intelligence Determine Success in Life. Plume.


Updated: Feb 22, 2021
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