Building Creative Organizations

Categories: Young Adult Fiction

Nowadays, companies are looking for strategies to face the intensely competitive business arena; they are demanding newly developed behavior and competencies from employees. Nowadays, employees should demonstrate teamwork skills, cross-disciplinary communication and innovation. Underneath these skills is the aptitude to put creativity into application in handling and resolving situations and problems of the organization. In order to effectively respond to external and confusing forces, what are needed by the companies are employees who are capable of producing new ideas. (Gundry, L., Kickul J., & Prather C., 2007)

Moreover, in order for a company to cutting edge in technology, the employees will need to craft new techniques in the development and production of information, goods and services.

Hence, the behaviors and competencies are important to the competitiveness of the organization and to be effective on the process of creative which is how to go beyond tradition and view things differently. (Gundry, L., Kickul J., & Prather C., 2007)When the top management gives value to thinking "out of the box," the processes of the organization surfaces that compensate behaviors proven to be creative and such behaviors result to new techniques and methods as well as innovations in the business.

As the organizations works to become effectively reactive, they must take into account that creativity not a destination but a journey.

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Using an ideal comparison, creativity is like pushing water uphill, wherein one must always keep after it. This entails for the senior managers to be steadfast in supporting creativity by means of actions such as rewarding both managers and employees for great ideas, recognizing learning despite of failure, admitting mistakes, and making and asking taboo.

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In business, in order to keep up with intense competition, the business must always do the unexpected, they should be very creative.

Promised-Base Management

Managers have all their needs to execute a well-thought strategy into actions, however when halting of initiatives occurs, all the significant work were left undone. Such kind of business fall may go worst especially on the side of swift competitors. The strategy and its execution fail due to dismally common reasons, and that is the disengagement of the employees because they feel that they are not in the priorities of the company, they become unproductive and dissatisfied.

One of the most difficult situations that managers encounter are improper strategy execution, disengaged employees, lack of organizational agility which stemmed out from poorly crafted or broken commitments. Such scenario can be overcome, by practicing “promised-based management” which is basically the coordinating and cultivating of commitments in the most systematic way possible. (Sull & Espinosa, 2007)

Problem-based management promises boost in organizational agility, increase collaboration and coordination and increase engagement of employees. In the interaction of businesses, one of the fundamental units is promises. These units bring up activities of the organization and to fuel up the passion of stakeholders, employees, suppliers and customers. At the same time as they keep the organization intact, they are as delicate as they are critical. The divergent worldviews and objectives of individuals pull persistently at the filament of promises, and unforeseen possibilities can rip uncertain agreements. (Sull & Espinosa, 2007)

Hence, leaders must manage and merge organizational promises with utmost care, at the same time encouraging conversation in order to ensure the fulfillment of commitments. (Sull & Espinosa, 2007) Given that they can do so, they will be able to boost cooperation and coordination among employees, create new agility to grab new opportunities for the business and knock on the entrepreneurial energies of the employees.

Communications Revisited

The communication dilemmas, more of than not, cited by people are not problems in communication at all. They are in place of difficulties and symptoms at more fundamental and basic levels of life in the corporate field. Coming from a vibrant point of view, problems associated to communication in organizations usually reflect in the corporate climate as dysfunctions. The feelings people have about where or whom they work such as feelings of distrust, impotence, resentment, social inconsequence, insecurity, and all the other emotions of human does only gives implication to the climate which exist but the behavior in which communications will be handled. (Hall, 2001)

Just what concerns a problem of communication is not simply established upon. The issues were approached by some theorist coming from the vantage information point of information details. Some theorists approach the issue from the vantage point of information bits concession a message; others in terms of organizational positions and roles of peripherality or centrality; while others remain to emphasize the corporate data and directional flaws. The outcome is that more people are communicating with regard to communication, while in order to achieve understanding, clarity, creativity and commitment, the communication goals tends to become limited. (Hall, 2001)

The major point of the article has been that interpersonal styles are at the focus of several dilemmas in the organization such as emotional climates the quality of relationships, communication breakdowns, as well as managerial practices have been connected to some moderately plain dynamics among people. Management is not easy even if dynamics are simple. Same as the fact that individuals can and do change their interpersonal style and in so doing sets in proposition a complete chain of events with emphasized corporate significance.

Structure is not Organization

In the pursuit of diagnosing and solving organizational problems, the aspect to take consideration at is not only to the structure of the organization, factors related to it should be highly regarded; a framework where structure is connected with other factors is needed in the quest for resolving organizational problems. In the midst of multiple competing and complex demands, the decision making by the organization may surface to be irrationally handled. Hence, merely using the structure of the organization as a strategy to resolve problems will most likely turn out to be an ineffective medium for organizations to achieve excellent effects. (Waterman, Thomas & Phillips, 1980)

The new view of organization, which involves the “7’s” variables, makes up the framework that proposes to take issues by heart and give attention to the variables when in managing an organization. The “7’s” variables are strategy, skills, staff, style, systems, structures and superordinate goal, these variables are believed to be directly observed and more likely be gauged. (Waterman, Thomas & Phillips, 1980) All of these variables are important in carrying out major changes in the organization, they are very much vital in attaining the goals of adopting changes.

Using only structure as the basis for resolving tricky problems in the organization, or even using it with strategy is still insufficient and most likely inefficient. Failure is rooted from the lack of ability of structure and strategy to show as to why the organizations may be slow and unresponsive in change adoption. Such scenario will need an excellent style of management, binding goals and having shared purpose. (Waterman, Thomas & Phillips, 1980) In conclusion, if company has the seven variables all geared together to one shared direction, such company can be described as organized.

What Great Managers Do?

There is an underlying difference between managers and great managers as well as between great leaders and great managers. Great managers are those who value and know the distinct and varied abilities and eccentricities of the people working with them, as great managers, they know the secret of effectively integrating them to one synchronized plan of action. (Buckingham, 2005)

On the other hand, great leaders digs and utilizes what is laid universal and the uses those as the capital. Basically, their job is to rally their subordinates into the direction of a promising future. This can be successfully achieved by the leaders if they can meddle into age, sex, nationality, personality, and race and by celebrating heroes and using stories.

Meanwhile, as for the job of the manager, they shape and hone each talent of an individual to performance. They can be successful if they can determine and delegate the diversities of the employees, challenging each one of them to stand out in their own ways. This does not claim that leaders cannot become managers or either way, but in order to excel at one or both, awareness of the requirements in each role is very significant. (Buckingham, 2005)

A tremendously powerful tool is capitalizing on each person’s uniqueness. This can be done by determining and capitalizing on the uniqueness of the person. Doing so will save time and furthermore making each person accountable. It creates a sense of team as it forms interdependency. (Buckingham, 2005)

In order to excel in managing other people, it is necessary to have insights in actions and interactions. It should always be kept in mind that release is what about great managing, and not transformation. It is all about continuously fine-tuning the environment in order for the unique contributions, needs and style of each employee to be given the chance to shine. As a manager, the success will entirely depend on the ability of doing these.

How Do You Motivate Employees?

Having motivated employees is a great factor for an organization to succeed. Motivation drives them to perform and excel and give their 100. However, there will be times that they will be unmotivated and it is the role of the management to keep them ardent as they take part in the pursuit of an organization for success. According to Frederick Herzberg, there are various factors which instill motivation to the employees. Such factors may work as expected or may fail due to employee resistance.(Herzberg, 1968)

First are the KITA (“kick-in-the-ass”) factors, which is also associated with hygiene factors, such are extrinsic to the job. It includes administration, policy of the company, working conditions, security, supervision, salary, and interpersonal relationships. On the other hand, the factors of motivation are job intrinsic, which includes the work itself, recognition for achievement, growth or advancement and responsibility. These factors are all interconnected with job dissatisfaction and job satisfaction. According to studies, the primary source of satisfaction is the motivators while what cause unhappiness in the job are the hygiene factors. (Herzberg, 1968)

The factors of motivation are associated to job enrichment, which is characterized as a continuous function of the management. This should be lasting in long period of time and long term effects are also expected. However, all jobs are not necessary to have enriched, nor they can be enriched.

The returns of efforts in job enrichment are economic gain and human satisfaction leading to large dividends that society and industry can yield through better personnel management. An argument summed up quickly goes: “If you have someone on a job, use him, ff you can't use him, either via automation or by selecting someone with lesser ability. If you can't use him and you can't get rid of them you will have a motivation problem.”(Herzberg, 1968)

The Science of Persuasion

            In organizations, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the techniques of persuasion in order to recognize strategies and be able to evaluate offerings and requests. The task of the organization is to maintain persuasion among accountable professionals for the application of the six powerful motivators of persuasion (reciprocation, consistency, social validation, liking, authority, and scarcity) and be able to purchase services and products, support proposals in politics or to give donation given that they were truthful all throughout the process. The Six fundamental tendencies of human behavior sets in producing a positive response as these six tendencies guides to manage the dealings of the business, the involvements in society, knowledge of the rules of persuasion and personal relationships, can truly be considered of as empowerment.

            Accordingly, the agents who influence the use of these principles is actually doing a favor for business people. For instance, an ad campaign is focused on scientific evidence favoring the client’s headache product, genuine weight of the authoritative; all people will yield profit including the audience, agency and manufacturer.  (Cialdini, R. 2001)

            Given that we recognized a vital distinction in our communication with persuasive arts practitioners, hence we will seldom permit ourselves to fall into trap. In its place, organization   can give themselves better and ideal option and being informed when saying yes. (Cialdini, R. 2001) Furthermore, if we apply our distinction to our pursuit to be of influence to others, then we can logically have it accounted to the six principles. In the efforts to persuade, pointing to genuine expertise and its presence, pertinent commitments, real opportunities for cooperation and growing validation, thus coming out persuasive enough to enhance communication and evoke understanding among diverse parties.

Three Cultures of Management

The learning problems within an organization can be directly interrelated to the lack of alignment amongst three cultures, two of which are based occupational communities first is, the culture of engineering, followed by the culture of CEOs, and the third is the culture of operators, the three cultures should be shared assumptions that arise in the "line units" of a particular organization as it tries to operate safely and efficiently. There are three occupational cultures which organization will have to learn effectively and confront the implications.

However, executives, operators and engineers found that they have been using different languages and thus arriving at different assumptions concerning what is very significant, but grasping the essence of the three cultures in management, they learn to treat them as normal and valid. Organizations will not learn effectively until they recognize and confront the implications of the three occupational cultures. Until executives, engineers, and operators discover that they use different languages and make different assumptions about what is important, and until they learn to treat the other cultures as valid and normal, organizational learning efforts will continue to fail. (Schein, 1996)

The key to organizational learning either in helping engineers and executives learns how to learn, how to analyze and evaluate their own cultures, and how to develop those cultures using their strengths. These communities may learn in different ways, and we will have to develop correct tools for learning for each community.

Learning should be well thought-out along the lines of industry through association of learners instead of along individual organizational lines. And business and engineering education itself will have to evaluate as to whether the suppositions of academics are developing at a satisfactory rate in order to with realities in the present. (Schein, 1996) Organizations have long way from having to resolve problems of learning, but concerning the cultures of management and occupational communities will start to compose these problems to find the solutions.



Buckingham, M. (2005). What Great Managers Do?. Harvard Business Review.

Cialdini, R. (2001). The Science of Persuasion. Scientific American.Vol. 284 Issue 2.

Gundry, L., Kickul, J. & Prather C.(2007). Building the Creative Organization. Elseveir

Science Publishing Company Inc.

Hall, J. (2001). Communication Revisited. California Management Review.

Herzberg, F. (1968). One more time: How do you motivate employees?. Harvard

Business Review.

Schein, E. (1996). Three Cultures of Management. Sloan Management Review Fall.

Sull, D., Spinosa, C.(2007).Problem-Based Management.Harvard Business Review.

Waterman, R., Thomas, P., Phillips, R. (1980). Structure is not Organization. Business


Updated: Aug 17, 2022
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Building Creative Organizations. (2017, Feb 23). Retrieved from

Building Creative Organizations essay
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