Aristotle and Dante Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz

Introduction Loneliness is like an infection. It lets a person hide their feelings and thoughts. After being infected, the only cure is friendship. Aristotle's family and his brother symbolizes symptoms of disease.


TAG (Title, Author, Genre) + bulleted summary points:

In Aristotle and Dante by Benjamin Alire Saenz, Aristotle is a loner and angry person with a brother in prison but when he meets Dante Quintana, they form a special friendship bond. As time goes by, Ari was concerned about himself, his parents and his family mysteries.

Thesis: Through Ari's character, the author illustrates how identity can lead an individual from being lonely and angry since it prevents from being expressive and happy.

Being lonely can impact a person's identity since it prevents one from expressive and happy.

Body #1 Topic Sentence: Being lonely can result in such effects like depression and isolation.

Quote #1: with correct MLA citation including page number: "Because I was born too late.

Because my older brother was in prison and maybe my father and mother blamed themselves.

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If only they'd said something, done something. They weren't going to make that mistake again. So i was stuck with my family's guilt · a guilt that not even my mother would talk about."

(Saenz, 92-93).

Analysis bulleted points for Quote #1:In other words, Ari's mom feels isolated since Ari's brother is in prison which created a family guilt which creates depression. Also, Ari is also feeling guilty because of his brother being in prison and he's curious about his brother.

Quote #2: with correct MLA citation including page number: "I thought about my mom's accusation.

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"You don't have any friends." I thought of my chair and how really it was a portrait of me. I was a chair. I felt sadder than I'd ever felt.

I was a chair. I felt sadder than I'd ever felt · Man loneliness was much bigger than boy loneliness."(Saenz, 81).

Analysis bulleted points for Quote #2: In other words, he feels like a fixed person which describes as a fixed mindset and his mom's accusation made him feel isolated and depressed since he was angry at his mom which can destroy a relationship.

Body #2 Topic Sentence: Being lonely and angry can impact a person's identity since it prevents from one from being expressive.

Quote #1: with correct MLA citation including page number:(Aristotle's dad)

For Instance, "I was really mad at my father because i wanted him to play with me and he seemed so far away."(Saenz, 11)

Analysis bulleted points for Quote #1:In other words, Ari and his dad are similar since his dad keeps his thoughts to himself throughout the story and has changed his identity because he was suffering throughout the story and changed his emotions while Ari is a person who doesn't have friends which also changed his emotions.

Quote #2: with correct MLA citation including page number:(Ari ignoring Dante.)

For Instance, "Dante came over to visit. I knew i wasn't a lot of fun. He knew it too. It didn't seem to matter."(Saenz, 79).

Analysis bulleted points for Quote #2:

In other words, Ari ignores Dante since Ari doesn't want to share his thoughts to Dante which makes him antisocial while Dante is honest and free with Ari which makes him colorful and joyful.


(Restatement of main ideas + universal statement): As a result, Being lonely can influence a person's identity since it has side effects like depression, long term stress, isolation and more. Being lonely can make things harder than usual like failing school, lack of confidence and more. Not only loneliness makes a person unhappy but it can lead to mental health problems like suicide. In other words, it can prevent from someone being happy and joyous. Hence, loneliness can lead to certain effects like lack of contact with people, suicide, depression, long term stress and more.

Updated: Mar 15, 2022
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Aristotle and Dante Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz. (2019, Dec 12). Retrieved from

Aristotle and Dante Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz essay
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