It is said that travelling to extreme environments is no longer impossible for not only scientists but also tourists. This essay will examine both its advantages and disadvantages and also point out the benefits outweigh the inconveniences. Let's first analyse some positive influences towards scientific experts and travellers which have been generated by this type of travel. Firstly, we could not deny that this brings an opportunity for scientists to discover the wildlife and nature.

In addition for scientists, by discovering remote cultures and how people survive in such a remote natural environments, they could understand more clearly about their biological traits and develop a new medicament to apply in the medicine field.

Besides that, for travellers, discovering extreme environments is considered as a challenging experience which could help them to develop their skills like camping, trekking or hiking. By doing this, tourists could also find out their potential abilities.

This essay has discussed the advantages for travelling to remote or extreme environments, however there are some arguments against this issue.

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First of all, scientists and travellers will certainly face lots of difficulty concerning the weather or the wildlife during this trip. In fact, the extreme weather conditions may cause prolonged difficulties for them physically, especially when they are in an isolated area like the North Pole, the Sahara, the Amazon and so on.

However, this can be tackled quite effectively through adequate mental and physical preparation before this travel. Secondly, it is claimed that this type of travel is very dangerous because they could become lost easily.

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Though this is a risk, it can be relatively easily mitigated if they organize this travel by specialized groups and bring all necessary equipment in order to avoid dangers as much as possible. In conclusion, it is evident that the advantages could definitely outweigh the inconveniences. In the near future, this kind of travel will become increasingly popular and there will probably be more people who are interested in this kind of travel.

Updated: Aug 12, 2021
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The Pros and Cons of Travel. (2020, May 26). Retrieved from

The Pros and Cons of Travel essay
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