The Effect of Technology on Globalization

There has been a great deal of discussion in recent years about globalization, its impact has been both praised and criticized. Globalization is defined as the process enabling financial and investment markets to operate internationally, largely as a result of deregulation and improved communications. I believe the technological advances have had a positive impact on globalization. The use of cellular/mobile phones and the internet have allowed easier access to conduct business anywhere in the world.

Evidence of globalization can be seen in our everyday lives.

Technology in many ways is the driving force because it is probably the most obvious aspect of globalization. Advances in communication technology have changed how business is conducted around the world. Many nations are becoming one global system as a result of globalization thru technology, communications, and e-commerce. History, however, suggests that globalization is as much a political as a technological phenomenon, which can be easily reversed, and has been so in the past. O'Rourke) I agree that politics does play a role in the accessibility of the Internet.

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There are some countries who limit what their citizens can do with this technology. By restricting their citizens use of the Internet, I believe that they are doing their country and the world a disservice. The use of this technology allows you to acquire information, goods and services that may not otherwise be attainable. The internet is cheap, pervasive, anonymous, unregulated, and uncensored: it allows for instantaneous communication with potentially huge audiences.

Therein lies the argument for and against its use.

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There are those who argue that the internet is a breeding ground for terrorism and other negative behaviors. The internet allows extremists direct access to their audiences, allowing propagandists to bypass mainstream media outlets and institutions to which they have no access. (Cilluffo, Cardash and Whitehead) I do agree that it does make it a little easier for these groups to recruit individuals by spewing negativity. I also believe that when someone really wants to get a message out, they will find a way.

I don’t feel that those of us who use the internet for legitimate purposes should be punished because a small amount of individuals lack morals. Businesses have improved their global competiveness and productivity with more efficient electronic transaction processing and instant access to information. (Zunairah) Younger workers of today were raised on the internet and cell phones. (Bonasia) As a result of this, the workforce is better able to perform their jobs with the use of these technologies. It has been noted that this trend is strongest in China and India where the line between physical and virtual worlds are blurred.

China is home to the largest population of internet users in the world and has witnessed increasing creativity and “pushback” from its netizens, the country’s internet environment remains one of the most controlled in the world. China’s 1. 3 billion citizens have only a limited ability to access and circulate information that is vital to their well-being and important to the country’s future. (Unknown) The long-term business implications of this trend are still not fully understood, according to Gary Curtis, Accenture’s chief technology strategist. Bonasia) The U. S. , Canada, Brazil, Japan, and Australia think the use of this technology is good. Those in Western Europe believe that it takes up too much time; it’s probably because the technology is not as advanced in their country. Many in the Millennial generation could use mobile devices and computer keyboards before they could even write, notes Curtis. (Bonasia) An example of how the internet can save organizations money is by using services such as SKYPE to do face-to-face interviews with individuals in another state or country.

This will save the cost of a flight to the organization’s location for someone who may not be worth the cost. One thing that may be of concern for an organization is the potential of an employee downloading harmful software; this can be prevented by educating staff. I believe the good still outweighs the bad when it comes to the use of technology. In most cases, workers will have a tendency to do more work after-hours at home because of the ease of connectivity. Most, if not all, companies would agree that this will benefit them because of the increase in work done by their employees.

Another way that technology is having a positive effect on the world is by allowing underdeveloped countries to connect with additional resources. Imam Almamy Korobara is reaching out beyond his remote corner of Mali to connect with millions of Muslims and religious leaders worldwide using the web of linked computers called the Internet, thanks to information technology donated by the U. S. government. (Fisher-Thompson) The program that is bringing the benefits of the worldwide information revolution to sub-Saharan Africa is named after U. S. Representative Mickey Leland who was killed in a plane crash while on a umanitarian mission to Ethiopia in 1989. According to the USAID’s Leland Initiative Website, “Africa needs access to the powerful information and communications tools of the Internet in order to obtain the resources and efficiency essential for sustainable development. ” (Fisher-Thompson) Korobara was chosen to receive this Internet training and a year of free service because of his support of U. S. government funded programs that were aimed at encouraging development in Mali. He has been able to help others in his area understand what is going on in the world because of what he has learned via the Internet.

Additionally, the Internet has benefited the world by connecting users to billions of pieces of information from universities, libraries and databases around the world. No matter where you are in the world as long as you have internet access you can learn anything you need to know about a topic in a matter of minutes. My work on this argument is an example of how the internet is beneficial to all who use it. Without access to the internet, this would have been much more labor intensive. It would have required many evenings away from home spent in a library doing research.

Instead, I was able to do all of my research from work and home, which allowed for less time away from my son. The other growing technological trend that is growing is cell phone use. It too allows people to access information from around the world with ease. Whether you are calling another country or surfing the web, information that would normally require a trip to the library can now be accessed on your cell phone. Depending on the phones style and capabilities, it can be used just as easily as a laptop computer. Most youth today have a cell phone so teachers across the U.

S. have started using cell phones in the classroom. They are seen as an important tool that helps them to connect everyday life and learning. A Spanish teacher in Wisconsin gives oral quizzes via cell phone. Another in Michigan has students take photos with their phones on field trips for an interactive scavenger hunt, while another in Pennsylvania asks his students to use theirs to chronicle their use of calculus in everyday life, said Liz Kolb, an educator and the author of "Toys to Tools: Connecting Student Cell Phones to Education. (Lambert) For years school systems have banned the use of cell phones on campus but that is now being reconsidered in some districts. At some point, you have to look at how can I best connect with my students and help them absorb what I am trying to teach them. The big thing now is social networking via the internet and cell phones; their use is second nature to youth today. There are many functions on cell phones that can be used in the classroom that don’t require the use of the internet. The key is to set the rules of cell usage in class and hold the students accountable.

The whole class is penalized if one person uses their phone inappropriately, this will help the students to keep each other in line for fear of losing the cell phone privilege. No matter which cell phone function you decide to use with your students, I am certain the students' level of enthusiasm and interest will increase. Students today live, learn, and play in a society that is saturated in multimedia. Students are becoming more and more accustomed to learning by collaboration, and cell phones are another instructional tool that facilitates collaboration. Rogers) Chai-Jung Chung, assistant professor in the Department of Teacher Education at California State University Sacramento, said that using cell phones in the classroom can change a student's view of learning. She and other educators believe the use of phones will encourage students to continue learning outside of school. (Lambert) Michael Flood, a manager for the Sprint communications network, said federal and California state technology programs offer subsidies that could pay most of the cost of operating a cell phone program at schools.

Equipment is not included in the subsidy. (Lambert) Instead of trying to acquire more expensive laptops for each students use, schools could purchase classroom sets of cell phones at a cheaper rate for use by students who don’t have a personal cell phone to ensure that every student is able to experience the class in the same way. In closing, I want to reiterate that I believe the positive far outweighs the negative when it comes to globalization and technological advancement.

It is my hope that the data that has been presented to you will help you to see that the positive effects of technology on globalization far outweigh the negative effects. As with anything, there will be individuals who choose to use a product to advance their agenda whether it is negative or positive. Works Cited Bonasia, J. "A Wired Generation Makes A Connection Young multitaskers reshape the global work force. " Investor's Business Daily 8 March 2010: A08. Cilluffo, Frank J. , Sharon L. Cardash and Andrew J. Whitehead. "Radicalization: Behind Bars and Beyond Borders. Brown Journal of World Affairs (2007): 113-133. Fisher-Thompson, Jim. ""Wired" Imam of Mali Connects to Outside World with U. S. Help". " SIRS Government Reporter (2006): n. p. Lambert, Diana. Class, Please Open Your Cell Phones.... 3 August 2009. 17 March 2010 <http://www. sacbee. com/2009/08/03/2077070/educators-look-at-using-cell-phones. html>. O'Rourke, Kevin. The Politics of Globalization. Summer 2008. 10 March 2010 <http://sks. sirs. com/cgi-bin/hst-article-display? id=S200008143-0-3751&artno=0000284672>. Rogers, Kipp D.

Cell Phones As Instructional Tools. February 2009. 20 March 2010 <http://sks. sirs. com/cgi-bin/hst-article-display? id=S200008143-0-3751&artno=0000292052&type=ART&shfilter=U&key=&title=Cell%20Phones%20As%20Instructional%20Tools&res=Y&ren=Y&gov=Y&lnk=Y&ic=Y>. Unknown. "China and the Internet. " Summer 2009. Harvard International Review Vol. XXXI, No. 2. 10 March 2010 <SIRS Researcher>. Zunairah. The Internet and Globalization. 8 May 2008. 15 March 2010 <http://socyberty. com/issue/the-internet-and-globalization/>.

Updated: Aug 12, 2021
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