Effect of Globalization in the Management of Apple Inc

Efficient planning is critical for any organization; leadership ought to establish an imaginative path for any organization. The management is tasked with ensuring that the plans are feasible at any given moment. In an environment that is closed, apart from the establishment of vision, this may be a relatively simple process since the variables that affect implementation are predictable and mostly fall into categories that are easy to identify (Tiffany, John, & Tommy, 2011).

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This process is complicated by globalization. Apple, Inc. is faced with this challenge when planning to meet the needs of its diverse customer base and environments.

Apple, Inc. has to grapple with the challenge of organizing personnel from different regions who have different cultural backgrounds. In managing the personnel, the company has to attain a balance between the many competing and diverse factors (Ercan, 2012). For instance, there have been complaints about imbalance of salaries for personnel from different regions.

In the management leadership role, motivating the personnel call for good leadership skills.

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The management of Apple, Inc. has had to adjust policies and actions in consideration of factors like physical ability, gender, and ethnicity. Globalization has brought about a workforce that adds the factors of culture and language to the dilemma (Ercan, 2012). Coming up with policies which consider all these factors necessitate a high level of sensitivity.

Controlling of the competing factors in different regions has become a major concern for Apple, Inc. The company is finding it a challenge to control the different aspects of production to meet the clients’ needs in terms of producing high quality products (Tiffany, John, & Tommy, 2011). Control of the company’s resources to ensure sustained growth in different regions the company operates in is also a major concern.

Updated: Aug 12, 2021
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Effect of Globalization in the Management of Apple Inc. (2016, Nov 12). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/effect-of-globalization-in-the-management-of-apple-inc-essay

Effect of Globalization in the Management of Apple Inc essay
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