Fashion as a Social and Identity Tool for Teenagers

Categories: Fashion

Statement: For teenagers, fashion is first and foremost a social statement. It is an outward means of expression to their peers and the rest of the world. Identity: Fashion also provides teenagers a sense of identity by signaling which "grouping" they belong to ("prep," "punk," "goth," etc. ). It may also signal a more independent or inclusive personality. Attraction: Teens can be extremely conscious about overall image when it comes to sexual attraction. They will often exploit fashion as a means to attract a certain type of person.

Rebellion: Rebellion may also be acted out via fashion.

Since rebellion is often a huge aspect of a teenager's life, it is not shocking that teens often use licentious or shocking fashion to rebel against their parents, their classmates, and/or society.

Peer Pressure: Many teens pick up on fashion trends in an effort to stave off humiliation and mocking from peers. Poor fashion choices in the eyes of others can often be an open door to ridicule.

Celebrities: Often, fashion for teenagers is the result of the desire to be like a celebrity.

Celebrities are perhaps the greatest influences on teenagers in the modern world, and they can have a huge impact on a teen's ideas about fashion and its importance.

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In our society, there are many issues that affect teens. Fashion is something that teens use to fit in which makes them struggle in their everyday life. Teens find brands to be something that will make them look “classy” as many teens say today at school.

Teisha-Vonique Hood from SMU stated that when people associate themselves with a particular brand or branded image, they immediately assume a new identity that is in some sense, confined to the societal points of that brand.

They classify themselves through the brands they wear and it makes them feel like they fit in.

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There is always that new shirt or those new jeans or just some new trend that happens to begin. Teens may feel like if they don’t have the latest brands, they aren’t worthy or not able to fit in and be themselves. Also, teens find themselves to be a little under-confident or intimidated by other people in their school. Ehow contributor, Ashton Pittman said that many teens pick up on fashion trends in an effort to stave off humiliation and mocking from peers. The majority of teens in high school have a fear of getting bullied or excluded.

They use fashion to hide their fear and to feel more confident on who they are, or who they are trying to be. Their attitude towards fashion and the way society shows it to be can change a lot of teens’ opinions. Stated in SMU study, as a result of this need for peer acceptance, teenagers are receptive to characteristics such as character, personality, etc. Since a lot of teens try to find their identity through high school and fashion, it can ultimately change not only their personality, but their character towards other people and family. Tying into this, celebrities are a big impact on teen fashion.

Ashton Pittman also states that often, fashion for teenagers is the result of the desire to be like a celebrity. Teens look at celebrities and say “Oh well if they can wear that, then why can’t I” and most of the time they end up giving the wrong idea to their friends and people around them. Have you ever tried to dress some way so that others accept you? A lot of teens don’t realize that this is an issue on their everyday life because they are so caught up with trying to fit in. Just because other teens have the latest brand and you don’t, doesn’t mean that you aren’t unique.


Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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Fashion as a Social and Identity Tool for Teenagers essay
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