Positive Peer Influences on Child Development

Categories: Influence

Peer influence on a child can either be bad or good depending upon various situations. It is important that peer influences boost socialization and learning that will have a positive effect on the child. Children learn from others and imitate what they see and hear, so peer influences play an essential role in development. “A good family social environment, positive peer influences, and good peer relationships tended to increase altruistic orientation” (Ma, 2003). There are many different ways that teachers and parents can help improve social skills and relationships among peers.

The most important thing that parents and teachers can do is to improve peer relationships is to provide positive interactions with other children.

Allowing children to participate in sports and other social activities that are non-threating, within the school and community setting helps improve social skills and develop healthy relationships. Parents and teachers can allow the child to develop skills on their own time especially in situations where there is a family issue, death of a friend or classmate.

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“Researchers have shown that caregivers who respond positively to children's demands increase the children's commitment to social relations and their desire to learn and comply with the norms of their social world” (Richaud, 2006). Teachers can include cooperative classroom projects that can help children who need to improve their social reputations. This gives them time to work on developing the small group cooperative skills, while getting to know classmates in a safe environment.

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Influence of Peers

Parents and teachers play a vital role in help children develop skills needed to get along with others and demonstrate positive attitudes that will provide the child with examples of how to socialize with others constructively.

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Although, issues may arise, children should be allowed to develop these skills at their own pace. “Peer groups have a large influence on a child’s social development and it is important for a child to begin peer socialization at an early age” (Bojczyk 2012).


Bojczyk, K. E., Shriner, B. M., & Shriner, M. (2012). Supporting children’s socialization: A developmental approach. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc

Richaud, 2006). The relationship to attachment and parental styles. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 167(2), 189-210. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/228456303?accountid=32521

Ma, H. K. (2003). The relationship of the family social environment, peer influences, and peer relationships to altruistic orientation in chinese children. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 164(3), 267-74. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/228531738?accountid=32521 `

Ma, H. K. (2003). The relationship of the family social environment, peer influences, and peer relationships to altruistic orientation in chinese children. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 164(3), 267-74. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/228531738?accountid=32521

Updated: Nov 20, 2023
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Positive Peer Influences on Child Development. (2016, Mar 13). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/influence-of-peers-essay

Positive Peer Influences on Child Development essay
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