Scholarship Essay

My name is Steven Chin Ken Loong. I am a student at SEGI University completing an associate's degree engineering. My educational aspirations consist of acquiring a bachelor's degree in engineering that would assist me in pursuing a construction career as a civil engineer. On the other hand, my career vision is to one day be able to provide affordable building to marginalized communities in Malaysia. However, I am certain that if I do not complete my college degree I could never have the opportunity to achieve my career goals.

So, I believe that I deserve to be selected for one of your foundation IJM's scholarships because as a hard working student I commit myself to effectively take advantage of the opportunity that the scholarships will provide me. Besides, I am a student that does not only persistently work hard academically, but also I constantly try to improve my own community's quality of life by doing volunteer work.

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I decided that I will attain a career as a civil engineer since my passion has always taken part in the activities that related to construction field.

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Therefore, I think that pursuing such a career will provide me the opportunity to help improve the community's safety and life quality conditions and learn about their usual needs. After becoming a certified civil engineer, I want to specialize in project manager, and add my knowledge to the construction research field.

I am grateful to find opportunities like the one that your foundation is providing to students like me who are constantly fighting for the right to receive an education.

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I remain persistent and will keep working hard until I reach my career goals. I am hopeful to become one of your foundation IJM¯s scholarship recipients, so that I can continue on my pathway to become a civil engineer.

Financial problem. My parents are having financial problem on affording me as 2 of my sister are also studying. Besides, my father has to afford my mother's medical cost as my mother is a patient of breast cancer. I apply Yayasan Sime Darby scholarship is to decrease my parents burden. So, I believe that I deserve to be selected for one of your foundation Yayasan Sime Darby scholarships because as a hard working student I commit myself to effectively take advantage of the opportunity that the scholarships will provide me.

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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