Why am I in College?

Categories: CollegeEducation

College is a place where you can further your knowledge and learn skills to help you be more responsible later in life. You can also get a better paying job with a college degree, and build friendships with other people you may not know. I am in college, because, in today's society, there are not many big time jobs or careers in the fields of study that I want to be in for the rest of my life that will accept or hire a person with only a high school education.

Being in college gives more opportunities in life, such as more money so when I do want to start a family, I'm financially able to do that.

College is a place where I'm am free to do whatever I feel, because here in college they treat me like I'm a adult rather than a child. I'm more responsible and am held accountable for my actions. I am learning to become more independent.

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Dr. Traci PhD
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I'm not worrying my parents or having them do everything for me. I can go and do things like, open a bank account on my own. I am free to make a choice, whether good or bad, and actually learn from my mistake rather than being told how to do it. In today's society, to be financially set in life and earn a good, honest, living I know that I have to attend college to fulfill my dream in life and become an engineer, working for a big company.

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I have to attend, college because without an education, I am just some high school grad. I want to be more than that .

College to me means a bigger, better, brighter future for me. I want to walk across the stage as not only a high school graduate, but also a college graduate. I want to know that when I am going out to build my future, my college background will make an impression on the CEO or general manger I am trying to impress . That’s why I decided to attend college.

Updated: Jan 30, 2023
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Why am I in College?. (2016, Mar 13). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/why-am-i-in-college-essay

Why am I in College? essay
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