Priestley and the character of Mr. Birling

Categories: Paragraph

Question: In Act 1, how does Priestley use the character of Mr. Birling to introduce the key themes of the play? You should look closely at the writers use of language, form and structure.


Outline the background context to the play, showing your understanding of Priestley's reasons for writing it and BRIEFLY summarise the three points you will go on to analyse in detail.

Body points x 3 (these will probably be one paragraph each, but you may find yourself wanting to extend the points in a way that requires a new paragraph):

  • Please follow the PETAZL structure for this task.
  • A clear point that answers the essay question.

    The topic sentence of your paragraph (AO1).

  • Evidence, usually a quotation. This may form part of your topic sentence (AO1).
  • Techniques are identified, where possible, using correct terminology (AO2)
  • The effect of the evidence and technique are analysed fully. This is the most important part of the paragraph (AO2).
  • Zoom in on one smaller feature within your evidence - e.g.
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    a specific word or the use of punctuation - and analyse the effect of that choice by the writer (AO2).

  • Link your point and the evidence to the rest of the play. You could link forward or back or both. This helps you to write about themes and also the structure of the play (AO1, AO2).
  • Each one of your points must be on a different theme. You can give the themes a different name, if you wish. You can choose from:

a)Inequality of wealth and power in British society

b)Blame and taking (or not taking) responsibility

c)The different social classes - the challenge of changing your class

d)Capitalism vs. socialism

e)Progress, improvement and generational change

f)Gender roles and expectations

g)Public (exterior?) life vs. private (interior?) life

h)Legality and morality - what you have to do vs. what it is right to do


This absolutely, categorically MUST NOT be a summary of the points you have just made. It should leave the reader with an interesting further idea to consider in response to the essay question. You might consider:

  • Taken together, how does your evidence prepare the audience for what will follow in the rest of the play?
  • Does Act 1 already suggest the final moral of the play?
  • Is Birling a product of his time or is he a universal archetype? In what ways is Priestley's message as important today as it was in 1945?
  • How much is Birling a recognisable and three-dimensional character and how much does he simply function to illustrate the play's themes?
Updated: May 19, 2021
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Priestley and the character of Mr. Birling. (2019, Dec 03). Retrieved from

Priestley and the character of Mr. Birling essay
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