Pursuing Electrical Engineering with a Focus on Communications

My aspiration to pursue graduate studies in the United States is driven by a strong desire to become a part of the esteemed graduate program at your institution. I am particularly drawn to Purdue University due to its exceptional faculty, cutting-edge research facilities, and the flexibility it offers in the ever-evolving field of electrical engineering. My goal is to specialize in electrical engineering with a concentration in communications, and I believe that Purdue University is the ideal place to achieve this.

The Path to Electrical Engineering

My journey towards a career in electrical engineering began during my high school years when I witnessed the transformative impact of technology on society, especially in India.

This realization led me to choose electronics as my major for my undergraduate studies, given its significant role in shaping the modern world. I was particularly captivated by subjects such as Linear Electronics and Digital Electronics, which laid the foundation for my later coursework in Electronic Communication and Communication Systems.

Throughout my undergraduate studies, I developed a strong affinity for the field of communications within electronics.

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The power and applications of electronics in communication fascinated me. Now, as I contemplate furthering my education, I am eager to delve deeper into this field and pursue a master's degree in electrical engineering, with a primary focus on communications.

Practical Experience and Research Aspirations

Over the past four months, I have been working as a project trainee at the Indian Institute for Advanced Electronics. During this time, I have been actively involved in the design and development of a "PC Controlled Digital Serial Data Generator." This practical experience has not only enhanced my technical skills but has also instilled in me the confidence to pursue advanced studies and kindled a passion for research.

My interactions with scientists and researchers at the Indian Institute for Advanced Electronics have exposed me to the vast and dynamic nature of the communications field.

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These experiences have led me to believe that specializing in communications aligns perfectly with my interests and aspirations. I am particularly intrigued by spread spectrum communication systems and the application of coding theory in this context. My current coursework in Communication Theory has further ignited my curiosity in these areas, and I am eager to explore their practical applications through research.

As a student member of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) for the past three years, I have had the privilege of participating in workshops, seminars, and gaining insights from publications like 'The Spectrum.' This exposure has kept me informed about emerging technologies and trends in the field of communications, reinforcing my enthusiasm for pursuing a specialized path in this area.

The American Education System and Family Influence

I come from a family that strongly believes in the exceptional quality of the American education system. My parents' experiences as students at the University of Pennsylvania from 1967 to 1969 have left an indelible mark on our family's values. Their time in the United States exposed them to a world-class education, and they firmly believe that it is the best in the world. If granted the opportunity to be part of this intellectually stimulating environment, I am confident that I will be able to harness my talents to their fullest potential.

Contributing to India's Growing Information Technology Sector

India, as a developing country, possesses immense potential in the information technology sector. To cater to the needs of this rapidly growing industry and, more importantly, its vast population, communications technology will play a pivotal role. Therefore, my decision to specialize in communications within electrical engineering is aligned with the evolving demands of my home country. I aspire to return after completing my graduate studies and contribute to India's technological advancement by applying the knowledge and expertise I gain during my time in the United States.


In conclusion, my pursuit of graduate studies in electrical engineering, with a focus on communications, is driven by a strong passion for the field and a deep desire to make a meaningful contribution to society. I am eager to embark on this academic journey at Purdue University, a renowned institution known for its excellence in research and education. I am committed to dedicating myself fully to my studies and research, and I believe that this experience will not only benefit me personally but will also enable me to contribute positively to my country's technological growth.

Thank you for considering my application and for providing me with the opportunity to express my aspirations.

Updated: Nov 07, 2023
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Pursuing Electrical Engineering with a Focus on Communications. (2016, Apr 20). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/my-future-career-goals-in-electronics-essay

Pursuing Electrical Engineering with a Focus on Communications essay
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