Methods of Evangelism: Four Spiritual Laws

Of the two evangelistic intellectual methods, I have chosen to research the “Four Spiritual Laws.” Bill Bright wrote, “Just as there are physical laws that govern how the physical universe, so are there spiritual laws that govern your relationship with God. This method is most used in presenting the Gospel to someone because it is simpler. Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, originally wrote this as a booklet. This booklet was designed to help individuals to be more effectual in their witness for Jesus.

The Four Spiritual Laws are used to convict, convince, and convert.

The Laws are as followed:

  • Law 1: God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life. [John 3:16]
  • Law 2: Man is sinful and separated from God. [Roman 3:23]
  • Law 3: Jesus Christ is God’s only provision for man’s sin. Through Him, you can know and experience God’s love and plan for your life. [Roman 5:8]
  • Law 4: We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; then we can know and experience God’s love and plan for our lives.
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    [John 1:12]

According to my research the advantages of using the Four Spiritual Laws approach are, they enable one to be prepared because it is [so simple] and represents the basic truths of the Gospel of Jesus. This method allows you to open up an easy conversation the right way. For example, “I have been a Christian for years, and I have just recently found a way to express my faith that genuinely makes sense.

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I would like to share it with you. Have you heard of the Four Spiritual Laws?” At the same time, the most understandable way to explain the Laws is to read the booklet aloud. It gives one the confidence of already knowing what to say because it distinctly presents the claims of Jesus Christ. Above all, this is essential to pass on to a non-believer (2 Timothy 2:2).

Furthermore, in using this method you can explain all the marvelous things that are waiting for you when you receive Jesus as your Lord. Declaring what the Bibles says, “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you will believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved (Romans 10: 9-10). Afterwards, you can encourage an individual to ask questions. Alternatively, there are a couple of disadvantages to using the Four Spiritual Laws. Even though, this method has been effectively used, it can be somewhat confusing to the person whom did not grow up in a Christian culture. An example would be, “telling someone God has an incredible plan for their life.”

This may ultimately sound as if you only have to believe in Jesus, and all your problems will be gone. However, the Bible never promises life will be wonderful. It says, “Indeed, all who desire to live Godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Timothy 3:12). In other words, even though the Laws explains that you can have an incredible life if you accept Jesus and believe that he died on the cross for you; this is a point that [cannot] be over expressed, but can be reiterated by quoting John 10:10. Another disadvantage in using this method is it does not define sin. In first John, it says that sin is lawlessness, (i.e. Breaking God’s law).

While the Four Spiritual Laws does explained sin as being separated from God, it does not explain [what] separates us from God, which in reality is our disobedience of God. Because of our rapidly changing world you cannot automatically assume that everyone understands what sin is. So, when using the Four Spiritual Laws, it is essential to explain sin. Non-believers need to understand that the word sin means breaking God’s laws. Ultimately, this would give the believer a chance to introduce the Ten Commandments, further making them understand the need for a savior.

Part TWO- Evangelistic Method #2

Of the Relational Methods, I have chosen to explore “Lifestyle Evangelism.” In summary, this method is essentially demonstrating ones faith by their actions. It is the most effective way of winning souls. This method should be used on people, whom one interact with the most, people who know someone and see them on a regular basis. Lifestyle evangelism creates a nurturing environment to extend an invitation to Christ. This means an unbeliever will feel a sense of belonging before becoming a believer. Research has shown that a non-believer would be likely to give a believer the opportunity to share their faith, when the believer's life has proven that their words are sincere, and life altering. In this way, the non-believer would feel a sense of worth before they expose themselves to the Inspired Word. There are some advantages to using the Lifestyle Relational method.

In particular, the Father sent Jesus to be the absolute light, to be an example, and demonstrate how people of God should live. We should be living proof that Our Father is who he says he is; that Christ truly is the Son who freed people from slavery to self; and that the Holy Spirit honestly can transform our life. This is truly an advantage affirmation. This example of showing is not a substitute for telling. If words were all we used to explain the gospel, then people would never understand it enough to submit to Jesus. However, showing a person is a necessary preparation for telling. People will always buy into your words when your actions back them up. We must live a life that shows Jesus Christ. Christ told His disciples, “Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matt. 5:16). This means the way we handle business, the way we play games, the way we prepare for tests, the way we interact with family.

Every thing we do should allow Christ to shine daily in our lives. Another advantage of using the Lifestyle Relational method would be that it is the most profitable and productive method. It not only produces but allows one to be converted, as well as become a disciple, which is what Jesus calls us to do (Matt. 28:19). In today’s culture, when it comes to the truth of the Scriptures, people want to see it validated and lived out in another before they will accept it as the valid truth. Inasmuch as, there are advantages to this method there are disadvantages, as well. One primary disadvantage to this approach is that it can be an easy excuse for Believers.

Consequently, instead of aggressively and diligently pursing evangelistic opportunities, Believers may convince themselves that if they just lead honest lives, are open and friendly in sharing their faith, God will take care of the rest. The truth is to be an effective evangelist; you have to be more aggressive in your selection of friends; as well as identifying non-believers with whom you relate to comfortably and who you enjoy being around. Another disadvantage to this method of evangelism is that; it is the most customary approach used among evangelists; it is especially universal among those who share their faith the [least] and who are less likely to [know] of anyone accepting Jesus through these efforts. Lastly, this method is one that is discredited by the Scriptures.

Part THREE- Evangelistic Method #3

The “Confrontational” evangelistic method I have chosen to explore is the Door to Door Evangelism. In summary, this method began with D. James Kennedy in 1960. After preaching at the Coral Ridge Church in Fort Lauderdale, FL; James Kennedy realized that he was afraid to confront unbelievers with the truth of the gospel. Surprisingly, being invited to Decatur, GA to conduct a gospel campaign, he was introduced to presenting the gospel door to door. After he had returned to the church in Florida, he implemented the principles he had learned, and called them the “Evangelism Explosion.” The primary purpose of Door to Door evangelism is to build relational bridges between the community and the local church. The Bible shows us how the Lord used this method effectively during the history of the church, from the time of the early church until today. Door to Door work is part of the church’s ‘Level One Sowing’ strategy. It is going to the people instead of waiting for them to come to the church. Furthermore, this method of evangelism is one of the few ways that ascertains each household can be reached with the gospel. With this in mind, there are some advantages to using this method of evangelism.

For example, almost anyone can do this technique of outreach; because there are no rare or exceptional skills required. Another key advantage; like all outreach it conveys that the church is interested enough to go out to the people. It also opens up valuable contacts for far more than ordinary evangelism. Lastly, it is a fairly cheap means of outreach, and easy to organize. Nevertheless, this method of evangelism is not without its disadvantages and critics. Since 1973, research has shown and labeled this method to be outdated, old fashioned and ineffective in today’s society. Consequently, when doing door to door work it should be done in teams; and always done in teams when ladies are involved. However, this presents a problem because building mixed sex teams are not always easy to organize. Another disadvantage is that some forms of this method are not suitable for the younger generation. Lastly, it is hard to motivate people to do this form of evangelism.

In essence, once they begin, many individuals find it enjoyable and much easier than expected. Part FOUR – Application of These Methods to Your Own Life The method that I have chosen that suits me best is Lifestyle Evangelism. I chose this one because when Jesus said, He did not come to “to be served, but to serve, and to give His life,” He was not just explaining His mission; He was showing us how to live (Matt. 20:28). For me, living a life that is Holy and acceptable in God’s eyes is the best way to show others how much work He has done in me, for me and through me. This method works best for me because, when I walk the walk, I can talk the talk because it shows. This allows me to introduce Jesus to many of the people around me, from the grocery store to the car wash. Even when I am not actively evangelizing I am because of my lifestyle.

I may not always see the role I play in different people lives, but according to our text states we should constantly plant the seeds of gospel. There are some whom will plant and others will water. This role of evangelism is comfortable for me. It allows me to approach non-believers with confidence, to share my testimony. Being an evangelist for Jesus has become cool, and why not? Personally, it feels incredible to choose good over evil. Living an acceptable life for Christ, is allowing God to shape my character into the likeness of Him. Evangelizing should not be something we do every now and again, but it should be the way we are call to live. My attitude should be the same as Jesus.

Apostle Paul said it like this, “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature of God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage, rather he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness (Philip. 2:5-7). While writing this paper, I received a compliment from a stranger. I thought it was the best compliment I have ever received. It was, "Miss, are you a Pastor or Evangelist, I ask because you have an [anointed] air about you." I was taken back, and when I thought about it, tears fell. This is my daily prayer that I would decrease, and God would increase in me.


  1. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  2. Bright, B. (n.d.). Four Spiritual Laws Online. Retrieved from
  3. Earley, D., & Wheeler, D. (n.d.). Spiritual Farming. In Evangelism Is: How to Share Jesus with Passion and
    Confidence (pp. 85-92). Relational Evangelism.
  4. (n.d.). Http://
  5. Stewart, D. J. (n.d.). Confrontational Soul Winning ...Verses Lifestyle Evangelism. Retrieved from's%20Corner/confrontational_soulwinning.htm
  6. You Can Share The Gospel. (n.d.). MTA BIBLE. Retrieved from
Updated: Jul 24, 2020
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