The Quest for Longevity: Unraveling the Recipe for a Long Life

For many years and to this day, people have been searching for the recipe to a long life. At first, it was believed that living longer had to do only with your genetic makeup. If heart disease has an effect on your family, then it's likely to affect you as well.

However, years of research has proven that theory wrong. Longevity is not only affected by genetic makeup but also the habit you develop and practice throughout your lifetime. Leading the right lifestyle by staying active and eating a balanced diet is key to maintaining a long and healthy life.

Author, Dan Buettner researched "The Secrets of Long Life" and "The Truth About Living Longer" to help us understand longevity and how we can possibly achieve it.

Buettner uses his own opinion as he explores through Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; and Loma Linda, California. However, he also implements facts from experts in geriatrics and the science of longevity. With the knowledge combined from Buettner's own research and the experts' information, we can practice it as the "secrets" of living longer and modifying our lifestyle as well.

There's always speculation about what the benefits are of eating organic foods and the harm of processed foods.

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These three regions Sardinia, Okinawa and Loma Linda also referred to as "the blue zones" all demonstrate one thing which is eating healthy organic foods can have a huge impact on our bodies. Sardinians diet includes plenty "homegrown fruits and vegetables including fava beans which may reduce risk of heart disease and colon cancer" (Buettner, 2005, p.3).

The Okinawans also grow many of their own foods and they implement vegetables, tofu, miso soup, and fish into their diet (Buettner, 2005. p.5).

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In Loma Linda, a study proved by consuming beans, soy milk, tomatoes, and fruits there is a higher chance to lower the risk of developing cancer (Buettner, 2005, p.7).

Another important factor in leading a healthy and long life is maintaining a decent social and active lifestyle. We learn the importance of family, friends and being around the ones who care for you. The Sardinians "honor family", Tonino's daughter assures that "I would never put my father in a retirement home, it would dishonor the family" (Buettner, 2005, p. 3).

The Okinawans seeks value in friendship by belonging to a "Moai" which is "a group of friends, neighbors, or others who get together regularly to provide reciprocal support - social, emotional, and financial" (Buettner, 2005, p. 6). In Loma Linda, the Adventists increases their chances of longevity by "associating with people who reinforce their healthy behaviors" (Buettner, 2005, p.8).

According to Marge, when she was asked what the secret to a century of congeniality is, she replies "Well, I like to talk to people, I look at strangers as friends I haven't met yet" (Buettner, 2005, p. 8). Staying active and exercising is also a key factor in longevity according to Buettner's research in exploring the different regions.

The Sardinians stay active by walking and farming meanwhile the Okinawans stay active by growing their own foods and having a daily routine. In Loma Linda, they stay active by going to church and by socializing with their fellow Adventists (Buettner, 2005, p. 3,5,8).

It's fascinating that the individuals in these regions are practicing healthy lifestyle behaviors because it is a part of their routine and it's become their way of surviving. They have gotten accustomed to waking up early in the morning and getting a head start to their day. They have adopted a healthy diet by growing their own foods.

In the three different regions, Buettner comes up with three main factors that he believes to be the secret to a long life. In Sardinia, the three secrets were revealed to be "honor family, drink red wine, stay active" (Buettner, 2005, p. 4). In Okinawa, it was to have "final purpose, keep friends, eat vegetables" (Buettner, 2005, p. 6).

In Loma Linda, the three secrets were "have faith, take time off, celebrate life" (Buettner, 2005, p. 8). In Sardinia, Tonino's daily activities consist of milking the cows, splitting wood, slaughtering a calf, walking four miles of pasture with his sheep and spending time with his family.

If we can try to walk instead of taking the bus or eating fruits and vegetables instead of chips, we can also adapt this lifestyle and possibly add on a few extra years to our life (Buettner, 2005, pg.2).

While Buettner shared the secrets to longevity according to his visits to the blue zones, he also explored the truths behind the meaning of longevity by incorporating the knowledge from experts.

According to demographer S. Jay Olshanky of the University of Illinois at Chicago, and amongst other longevity exports, they issued this statement about aging "There are no lifestyle changes, surgical procedures, vitamins, antioxidants, hormones, or techniques of genetic engineering available today that have been demonstrated to influence the processes of aging" (Buettner, 2008, p. 4).

The experts say, "by adopting the right lifestyle, we can add at least ten good years and an extra quality decade of life". There are many ways to define aging according to the experts, so "What Exactly is Aging?".

Robert Kane who is the director of Center on Aging and Minnesota Geriatric Education Center explains aging as "a loss of coping mechanism, a failure to be able to maintain internal control and balance" whereas Steven Austad who studies cellular and molecular mechanisms of aging defines aging as "the gradual loss of physical capabilities whether you're talking about the ability to run, to think, all those things.

It's a gradual and progressive loss of physical and mental abilities to do things you previously could do" (Buettner, 2008, p. 9). Aging is an inevitable process; however, we can influence the rate we age by practicing healthy eating habits and staying active in our daily routines.

Buettner's "secrets" and the "truths" are similar when it comes to being active, having social support from family or friend, and eating a healthy balanced diet. However, Buettner fails to mention a few key points in his "secrets" such as the "good years". He doesn't acknowledge living a few extra years can have a huge impact depending on the status of your health and your independency.

Buettner does not mention the impact smoking has on our health when sharing the "secrets". According to the experts, smoking is one of the most preventable causes of death and diseases and it can also prematurely age the skin which makes you appear older (Buettner, 2008, p.19).

Buettner fails to mention other key factors when sharing his "secrets" that were found by the "truths" which were building activities into your lifestyle in order to sustain it for a longer period such as riding a bicycle or walking instead of driving and using the stairs instead of the elevators.

Buettner contradicts himself by saying "drink red wine" is a secret to longevity. That was one of the habits Sardinians practiced, however the Okinawans and Loma Linda did not talk about drinking red wine. The experts did not mention drinking red wine being a factor to longevity either. Living longer and living well are two important factors to consider when we look at "How can we maximize the good years?".

According to Robert Kane, it's important to find things you enjoy doing whether it's by being a workaholic or socializing. Everyone is different and may enjoy different things because while some may enjoy the support of family others may not, but it has been found helpful to find something you feel is interesting in order to increase your endorphin levels and lowering your cortisol level (Buettner, 2008, p. 19).

Overall, Buettner's secrets and truths can serve as a guide for us to adapt a healthier lifestyle and try to add on a few more "good years" to our life. If we can incorporate the secrets which he shared with us as well as the truths from the experts' point of view such as eating healthy, valuing family and friends, staying active, and celebrating life, we can possibly add on some good years.

While there are no pills you can take to stay young forever, I did learn that there are modifications in lifestyle behaviors for a quality life. Genetics plays a major role in our health, but I have learned that it's also the habits we practice that can either help or harm us.


  1. Buettner, D. (2008). The blue zone: Lessons for living longer from the people who've lived the longest. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic.
  2. Buettner, D. (2005). The Secrets of Long Life (5th ed., Vol. 208). National Geographic.
Updated: Mar 22, 2023
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The Quest for Longevity: Unraveling the Recipe for a Long Life essay
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