The Kite Runner Redemption and Plot

Categories: Plot The Kite Runner

In The Kite Runner, conveyed by the protagonist Amir, Khaled Hosseini demonstrates individuals, due to their guilt, will seek to redeem themselves with acts of kindness and good deeds. Hosseini believes differently and thinks individuals can only redeem themselves by fixing their past mistakes.

In the Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini demonstrates that, individuals tend to seek redemption for their unatoned sins often through good deeds and acts of kindness. Hosseini however believes differently and thinks individuals can only redeem themselves by fixing their past mistakes.

“In the late 1960s, when I was five or six, Baba decided to build an orphanage. I heard the story through Rahim Khan. He told me Baba had drawn the blueprints himself despite the fact that he'd had no architectural experience at all. Skeptics had urged him to stop his foolishness and hire an architect. Of course, Baba refused, and everyone shook their heads in dismay at his obstinate

ways. Then Baba succeeded and everyone shook their heads in awe at his triumphant ways.

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Baba paid for the construction of the two-story orphanage, just off the main strip of Jadeh Maywand south of the Kabul River, with his own money. Rahim Khan told me Baba had personally funded the entire project, paying for the engineers, electricians, plumbers, and laborers, not to mention the city officials whose 'mustaches needed oiling.'

In the Kite Runner, Baba at this point is trying to redeem himself and make up for all the bad things he’s done in the past.

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He is trying to redeem himself through random acts of kindness and by doing good deeds. The quote describes Baba’s effort put into the project and how he had drawn the blueprints himself without any experience and how he funded the entire project and did anything necessary to succeed. We learn later on in the novel that this was just a way of Baba trying to pay for his unatoned sins. “

“Sometimes, I think everything he did, feeding the poor on the streets,

building the orphanage, giving money to friends in need, it was all his way of redeeming himself.”

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'Hassan,' Baba said, smiling coyly, 'meet your birthday present.'

'I have summoned Dr. Kumar from New Delhi. Dr. Kumar is a plastic surgeon.'

'It's an unusual present, I know,' Baba said. 'And probably not what you had in mind, but this present will last you forever.'

How could I have been so blind? The signs had been there for me to see all along; they came flying back at me now: Baba hiring Dr. Kumar to fix Hassan's harelip. Baba never missing Hassan's birthday. 1 remembered the day we were planting tulips, when I had asked Baba if he'd ever consider getting new servants. Hassan's not going anywhere, he'd barked. He's staying right here with us, where he belongs. This is his home and we're his family. He had wept, wept, when Ali announced he and Hassan were leaving us.

Baba has his own difficulty connecting with Amir. He feels guilty treating Amir well when he can’t acknowledge Hassan as his son. He can only show his love for Hassan indirectly, by bringing Hassan along when he takes Amir out, for instance, or paying for Hassan’s lip surgery. Baba feels guilt when it comes to lying to everyone about Hassan being his son. Baba tries to make up for this by never forgetting Hassan's birthday, paying for his lip surgery, and trying to bring along Hassan everywhere he’d go. Baba tried to redeem themselves with random acts of kindness towards Hassan for lying to him.

Khaled Hosseini believes that the only way individuals can redeem themselves is by fixing their past mistakes and to be able to do anything necessary in order to fix their past. Only then will that individual be free of guilt and truly have redeemed themselves.

Amir, the protagonist, tries to seek forgiveness and the kite runner redemption after living twenty six years with unatoned sins. When Amir was twelve, he witnessed his loyal servant and friend, Hassan, get raped in an alley. Amir was too cowardly to intervene and stand up for his dear friend. Later, Amir betrayed Hassan by framing him and forced him to leave their house. These events shaped the rest of the novel as Amir tried to be good again by returning back to Afghanistan and saving Hassan’s son, Sohrab from danger.

Amir is reminded of his past and due to his guilt he wants to fix his past and redeem himself to Hassan, by saving his son.

'What was so funny was that, for the first time since the winter of 1975 I felt at peace. I laughed because I saw that, in some nook in the corner of my mind, I had been looking forward to this.'

This quote shows how Amir feels at peace after Assef almost kills him. He feels as though taking the beating from Assef is him finally showing that he would do anything for Hassan. He is, in a way, finally redeeming himself for his wrong doing and he is standing up for not only Hassan but his son as well. This shows that amir was ready to do anything necessary, even risk his life to redeem himself to hassan and fix his past mistakes.“the green kite was spinning and wheeling out of control… I looked down at Sohrab. One corner of his mouth had curled up so. A smile. Lopsided. Hardly there. But there”.

Sohrab begins to open up again after all of Amir’s attempts as a father, because he never gave up on Sohrab after the incident with the orphanage. He treated him like a son, took an interest in him, and finally got Sohrab to open up, leaving the book off with a sense of hope for a better tomorrow because Amir has finally learned the true meaning of being a father.

In the end, Amir is free of guilt and has truly redeemed himself as he has fixed his past mistakes and has paid the price for his unatoned mistakes. He has finally got Sohrab to open up a little and enjoy himself.

Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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